If one continues to insist on the lie of virus existence, one could argue that any harm from vaccination is collateral damage that one had to accept in the face of such a great threat ('pandemic').

However, if one acknowledges that the claim of virus existence is a lie, every vaccinated person without exception, whether harmed by the 'vaccination' or not, becomes the victim of a fraud that this planet has never experienced before. Every vaccinated person, without exception, has been deceived. Deliberate fraud.

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💯 And it is my feeling that vaccines, all of them, cause harm, even if it isn't evident. When I saw Paul Thomas's study he did within his own pediatric practice, comparing doctor visits and health issues among his vaccinated vs. unvaccinated clients, it was clear that those vaccinated were just sicker in general. And he extended it to adults, and found that in adults who had never been vaccinated even once (very rare, but he had a few), they didn't suffer from many of the "old age" maladies that we have been taught to accept as a normal part of getting older, like arthritis. Now his sample size may have been very small, but I think it's reasonable to conclude that vaccinations cause harm and we'd all be much healthier without them. Future children will be able to know what life is like without ever having a needle inject toxic substances into their bodies, after this whole Jenga tower collapses.

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I'm all about removing blocks from the bottom of jenga towers that represent the established narrative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1olvXQ8PzcI

I'm looking forward to your article on Parasites. Interesting how those in sharks are there to deal with the build up of metals in their bodies.

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The Jenga tower is such a good image, isn’t it! I’m seeing it as a prison, or a cage, and we want to make it fall by finding the key block that the tower is resting on. That doesn’t have to be viruses, but it was for me, and I think it can be for others. I like your way of using it, too—we want to build our life into a strong tower with all the blocks supporting our wholeness and full expression.

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Thank you. :)

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Great video, Jonathan.

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Thank you Petra.

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What I know from observation: Today, in mid May, the temp here in mid afternoon is a balmy 55 degrees. The same temp that might have been expected 2 months ago. Yesterday the temp hit 80. Quite a trend if you believe in yoyo-ology. Thinking back 40-50 years or so, I keep thinking about past temps I can recall (generalizations) and keep wondering where is my global warming and earth melting the goofy global warming cult has promised every day since the 1970's? Certainly nothing happening at 43 degrees longitude where I live. We had a "storm" a few nights ago, one lightening and one thunder along with some relatively heavy rain for a bit. Whoopee!

Viruses? My last vaccine injection might have been in the mid 70's during the fake Swine Flu fiasco. I am not sure. No vaccines since then and no serious flu since 1975 lasting more than a few days. No flu in the last 20-25 years. Several cold-type thingys some lasting a week or two with the coughing up of flem. But nothing so bad to even call the doctor who is about as useful as a cosmic voodoo-ologist.

Being in my mid 70's, they tell me I am at greater risk for this and that. What a crock. I don't recall playing Jenga, but it seems that the entire medical mafia/big pharma disease mongering cult is built with a Jenga foundation. Of that, I am certain. The clown show is based on one thing...FEAR.

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Brilliant, more and more people are awakening to the fraud that is the germ hypothesis (it’s not even a theory)and realising that viruses have never been proven to exist, ever.

My first awakening came from Dr A Kaufman and Dr Tom Cowan in early 2020. I am friends with Dr Kevin Corbett who did great work back in the late 80’s around the HIV fraud. With a special nod to the Perth Group.

Special mention to Stefan Lanka and of course the Drs Bailey in NZ.

All true heroes in the fight to rid ‘us’ of the fear that nature is out to get us.

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We must be the same person! My awakening to the issue of viruses and the disproven germ hypothesis also came from all those same people you mentioned. I still follow them. I think Sam Bailey’s videos are about the most brilliant thing ever. And I still learn something new every time I listen to a Tom Cowan webinar.

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This is a Wapo on a parasite infecting a parasitic human


RFK Jr. revealed he had a parasitic brain worm.

The presidential candidate disclosed cognitive problems after contracting a parasitic worm and was diagnosed with mercury poisoning more than a decade ago.

By Fenit Nirappil Updated May 9, 2024

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed that he was diagnosed with mercury poisoning around the same time doctors discovered a parasitic worm in his brain, adding to questions about cognitive fitness that have roiled the 2024 campaign.

Kennedy consulted neurologists about memory loss in 2010 and said a doctor told him a dark spot in a brain scan could be caused by a worm that ate a portion of his brain, according to a deposition reviewed by the New York Times. He also attributed mercury poisoning to a fish-heavy diet.

His campaign said Kennedy is in “robust” mental health and has recovered from the cognitive problems he reported more than a decade ago. The campaign has not released his medical records that could verify his account, and Kennedy has previously spread health misinformation, including about mercury in vaccines. Here’s what we know about the conditions he reported.

Kennedy’s campaign has not elaborated on the type of worm found in his brain. But the descriptions appear consistent with Taenia solium, a pork tapeworm. A person can develop a condition known as neurocysticercosis from the larval cysts of the worm infecting the brain.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people contract that disease by ingesting eggs shed in the feces of an infected person, usually through food or water contaminated by feces. The eggs hatch in the body, leaving the intestine and burrowing into organs, particularly the brain and eyes. It is not caused by eating undercooked pork, which causes intestinal infections.

Infections related to the pork tapeworm are more prevalent in parts of Latin America, Asia and Africa with poor sanitation and free-ranging pigs, according to the CDC. A campaign spokeswoman for Kennedy said he contracted the parasite while traveling in those areas.

When the worm larvae get into the brain, they can cause neurological symptoms including headaches, convulsions, epileptic seizures and even death. Experts say the worst damage doesn’t come from the parasites themselves, which can survive for three years, but from the body fighting them off.

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Interesting that he was diagnosed with mercury poisoning at the same time as the parasite was discovered. That does learned some credence to the connection.

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Actually I sent it to you as satire knowing what Wapo and the Kennedy clan is about and his friends current push to take IVM. I guess it gets into confirming isolation of RFK's tapeworm? We are all "isolated-out" of our minds already....

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Łike I've always said, "germs" help corporations sell all kinds of sprays, cleaners, hand sanitizers, soaps, "medicines", "doctor" visits, and who knows what else! I don't pay them any attention anymore and I try to use the least amount of "antibacterial" anything or chemicals. For dishes, I try to just use water, when possible, like for washing a cup (not always possible).

There is currently exists, in America, an epidemic of using too many chemicals in our daily lives. It used to be, "More chemicals, more clean", but now it's the opposite with me.

Did you know the "flu" is caused by the change in the earth's natural electric field that happens right before a thunder storm (or electric storm)? The earth's natural electric field rises from 130 volts/ meter (normal) to add much as 4000 v/m! This çauses the body's minerals/nutrients to oxidize (lose electrons). The cure would be to simply ground yourself during the storm or after and voila no sickness! The reason people think the flu is contagious is because lots of people get sick around the same time. It's the storm, lol, not the germ. And what does everybody do once they're sick. Go to cvs and load up on nyquil as if THAT will help...

Anyways, great article! Lots of good info

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Thank you David.

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Thank you for doing this work!

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Great article Betsy!

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I really want this article to go viral ;-)

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I’m definitely down with that!

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Great article, Betsy, and I really like the Jenga metaphor - similar to house of cards but I think more powerful. This is a link to the Club of Rome's 1972 Limits of Growth where we get the doom and gloom that WE'RE responsible for. It's just so apparent to me now that the power elite are so similar to a gaslighting narcissistic spouse or other family member.


I think the Emperor's New Clothes is worth a re-read and what we see in it is pre-emptive gaslighting similar to what we get in real life psyops:

"[They] let it be known they were weavers, and they said they could weave the most magnificent fabrics imaginable. Not only were their colors and patterns uncommonly fine, but clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was unusually stupid."


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Thanks, Petra! So it’s right there in their book? I also noticed in scanning through the first part, there’s a quote from U Thant, then the head of the UN, that we had “perhaps 10 years left” to get a World government and place in order to solve all the problems. How many times have we heard that 10 year figure?

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It's so funny how I used to feel so worried about everything and it's not as if now I don't think there's no reason to be concerned at all but it's like, "You're not going to make me worry, that's for sure." The only thing I worry about now are how people refuse to see what's going on but, of course, I shouldn't worry about that either. Worry doesn't do anything about anything.

Actually not sure about "all our fault" exactly but implied in relation to climate at least, eg:

"Waste heat released over the 4,000 square mile area of the Los Angeles basin currently amounts to about 5 percent of the total solar energy absorbed at the ground. At the present rate of growth, thermal release will reach 18 percent of incoming solar energy by the year 2000. This heat, the result of all energy generation and consumption processes, Is already affecting the local climate."

"It is not known how much CO2 or thermal pollution can be released without causing irreversible changes in the earth's climate, or how much radioactivity, lead, mercury, or pesticide can be absorbed by plants, fish, or human beings before the vital processes are severely interrupted."

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Totally agree about worry. I am convinced that this dystopian reality we are living in is being recreated every day by us collectively, through fear, worry, paying attention to the latest fear-mongering propaganda on the news. Led and guided by those nefarious ones who want to close up the digital prison around us. I'm not adding my energy to that!

WRT waste heat and other issues you bring up, those are part of the agenda that's being turned against us. We are not the ones who planned cities and decided that paving over everything is a good idea, or took away the energy-generating methods used in the past where they gathered ether from the air--and other methods. Your quotation comes from 2000, and the dire warning about "how much longer can this go on before there's serious damage" is the same as Greta saying in 2019 "the world will be uninhabitable in 10 years" or U Thant saying in 1970 that "we only have about 10 years before all the problems become too great to solve." (not his exact words) Technology exists to provide what we need in the way of energy and water and everything else without causing harm to our planet. They've put us in this box and set the conditions, and then tried to tell us that we need to live as they say--or die for the sake of the planet.

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Actually, Betsy, the two quotations are from all the way back in 1972 when the Limits of Growth was written :). I have a friend who I met through climate activism - I was really heavily involved in it - but when we both started to wake up to psyops we moved away from it. I still believed in the CO2-caused climate emergency for a really long time after first waking up to psyops and I have to confess I'm still not totally convinced that we aren't affecting the climate although regardless of whether we are or not I will certainly refuse to comply with any nonsense measures as much as possible and certainly not feel any concern about it but as soon as my friend learnt about it being spoken of in The Limits of Growth that was it for her, she just immediately took it to be a psyop.

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The virus issue is sooooo divisive. It has successfully split the health freedom movement in two (those who are worth listening to, and those who continue to promote lab created unicorns).

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It isn't the "virus issue" that is divisive--it is the way that leaders in the health freedom movement have tried to marginalize it by accusing those who explain that no evidence has ever been found for the existence of viruses of being divisive. Speaking the truth--or presenting a reasonable challenge to accepted dogma--is only divisive when there is an interest in hanging onto that dogma and not allowing different ideas to be explored. To me, those who are creating the division are willing to live in a lie, for whatever their reasons may be. I'm not willing to do that.

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Yes, I was being facetious and sarcastic :)

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Glad to hear it! That view is held straight by some folks. You gave me a chance to express again why they are wrong and cowardly.

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Actually, apart from the fact that they are keeping a lot of people in a ‘virus’ holding pattern, I think it’s helping to wake people up.

Once people do get their head around the ‘no virus problem’ it soon becomes obvious that it’s a taboo subject and everyone is bending over backwards to keep it from being discussed.

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Yes! That’s one reason why I say it is the key to all the false narratives and beliefs.

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BTW if you still wanted the reference for that Club of Rome quote I think it was from "Limits to Growth" a small book published in the 70's/ 80's.

Off the top of my head (paraphrasing) "....in searching for a new enemy to unite us we came up with the environment, rising sea levels etc... all of these can be blamed on the activities of humans, thus the real enemy is humanity itself".

Or something like that....

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What a brilliant Stack you have assembled here, Betsy. 👏 👏

As of today, I’m a new subscriber to your SS channel. Looking forward to reading more informative and interesting articles from you. Cheers

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Thanks so much, James! I hope you'll also share any of my articles with others who you think may be interested. They are all public.

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Simply have them try to provide proof that viruses exist.

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They won’t. Some of the docs and others who look at the papers supposedly showing the evidence put out a challenge almost 3 years ago inviting anyone to conduct controlled experiments in a neutral lab to find and document viruses , and no one has taken them up on it. There’s no evidence, but they keep pulling out logical fallacies like appeal to authority and arguing the consequent, or the most favorite, ad hominem attacks on anyone who says there’s no evidence for viruses. That’s all they’ve got.

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Just like Muhammad Ali when Fighting George Foreman. Ali kept asking “is that all you got George?” And years later George said “Yep that’s about it”.

Maybe it’s time the Doctors and others should admit - yep that’s all we’ve got-( nothing!)

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ahhhh haaa, you have hit the target. Agree with everything and am looking forward to your insight to parasites. "We have found the enemy and the enemy is us". Perrrrrfect analogy. Mankind wants to be God. Sorry for them when all they would have to do is enjoy what our God has created.

The crave of power & ego kills.

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A great article, Betsy. I was trying to look for the Club of Rome reference you mentioned, I know the one you mean - I think - but haven't located it yet. If I do, I'll share it.

Thanks for the link to my latest article. 🙏

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Thanks, Dawn!

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