But seeing it that way skews our awareness of our body processes and diminishes our ability to participate in maintaining and optimizing our own health
Yes, the war like thinking influenced the way science saw the issue. We have the same problems in physics, economics, and other fields that obsess over competition vs cooperation.
There's a Joe Rogan joke that there's less women inventors but they all invented things that make life better and easier. Meanwhile the men inventors are shooting for the moon and how to better blow things up! 😂
Instead of helping the body do it's job, to take out the trash, modern medicine treated the symptoms of natural processes.
It's like giving someone a pill to stop pooping.
Maybe that's why they call a lot of these control freaks anal retentive 😆 .
Looking at disease through the war lense, also encourages people to not take responsibility for their health.
It fosters the belief that it is not them or their habits that lead to illness, rather it's these invisible germs lurking around every corner ready to pounce and attack them that are to be blamed. It's the enemy not me that is responsible for my state of health.
It is also an attitude that suits lazy people not willing to let go of their unhealthy habits.
Also, couldn't agree more with you re the competitiveness and or violence of our ancestors. I also think that narrative is false, and likely pushed to make handing over our judicial and executive powers to governments look like a good idea. Sort of like, "if humans were not governed they would tear each other apart over resources."
I think it all started with Thomas Hobbs and his social contract theory. It was he who argued that the state of nature was one of violence and conflict. What nonsense.
I found an informative website that throws the entire Virus, Germ theory out with the trash.
https://viroliegy.com/2023/11/10/inventing-the-nature-of-viruses/. IMO most of what we call healthcare in the US is essentially just quackery and the power of government force by an Industry of Pharmaceuticals, protectionist medical societies AMA, as well as the Insurance
industry, and government agencies such as FDA, NIH, CDC, Medicare, Medicaid, WHO.
Mike Stone is one of the best, maybe the best, researcher out there on virology and related topics. I’ve linked and cited his articles in some of my previous posts. I agree, ViroLIEgy is the source to turn to. Mike also has a Substack of the same name.
I think we should look at all drugs and how they are used to subdue our natural health and instincts. I am talking historic, worldwide, deliberate drug addiction imposed by an international crime syndicate. This was one of my earliest Substack posts, pre-dating the Covid fiasco, but revealing the modus operandi inflicted upon us all. I entitled it C.U.N.T.S for very good reason!
Corruption, Usury, Narcotics, Terrorism and Subversion.
I’m reasonably certain that the biosphere is headed toward an inevitable natural disaster which will bring to naught the plans of the Black Nob criminal syndicate.
ETA: That being said — and I think it’s as near an absolute certainty as is possible — the Black Nob criminal syndicate will still be doing maximum damage in the (approximately) twenty five years they still have to rule.
I think they know precisely what will be happening and when. This is why they have built Astana. It is unlikely to be flooded and could have a very nice climate once the poles flip.
The Black Nob criminal syndicate had better be prepared for war. Their crimes against humanity are unforgivable. The survivors won’t have forgotten.
Call me a cockeyed optimist.
ETA: I don’t make the mistake of assigning superhuman powers to the members of the Black Nob criminal syndicate, such as they know of a location which will be undamaged when the earth’s crust temporarily separates from the earth’s mantle. I have no reason to be certain that the members of the Black Nob criminal syndicate are certain that the Astana landscape will be spared.
If they are in charge of WW3 you can bet your bottom dollar that they know where will be the safe zone.... it was Switzerland last time and they knew it. Never even imagine that what is coming will be entirely natural. They have weapons like the MEDUSA quantum energy extractor done, dusted and probably exceeded since that movie was made.
ETA means estimated time of arrival.... doesn't it? Or do you have some other lingo?
When I think of sickness, illness, disease; I think “How are human bodies being poisoned by anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation, by heavy metals, by (ingested or inhaled or injected) pharmaceuticals, by street and lifestyle drugs, by industrial chemicals polluting the air and the water and the food chain? How is this poisoning exacerbated by stress and malnutrition?”
Works for me. Seeing as how I am 74, taking no big pharma drugs, have had no vaccines in over 50 years and am not a health nut, the body does the surviving if it is allowed to. I look at my father who is almost 97 and still living on his own. He has done nothing special to garner such a long life so I wonder what has given him such a long existence.
I am convinced there is something within us that has not yet been discovered. Whatever it is, it provides health into older age and if it fails, it is because we have sabotaged it. Modern medicine is pretty much clueless and big pharma drugs are pure poisons.
I figure germ theory is a joke as these medical clowns cannot even find a cure for the simplest of afflictions, the common cold. That confirms for me that their viral religion is a complete farce.
Total agreement! I'm 72, and like you, free of pharma inputs of any sort. I think the toxic soup we live in is a huge factor in early aging, but also we have been and are being programmed by cultural ideas and expectations about what's supposed to happen when we get older. There were some studies 10 or 15 years ago where it was concluded that our bodies are designed to live at least 120 years in good health--it's pharma, toxins, nutrient-less "food,": chemicals etc., along with beliefs we have about losing strength and stamina, getting creaky joints, losing eyesight and memory, going into a slide into decrepitude to where we have to be in care for the last decade of our lives, that program us to manifest these conditions. Just believing that a "normal" lifespan is about 80 years means that's probably about how long we'll live! I'm working against that in my own self-talk and what I say out loud about "getting old."
Thanks for this! So true! Unburying our awareness that we are nature and reopening that communion we knew as children with all natural beings brings such healing.
My only problem that seems to bother me is golden staf infection that turns the body black and amputation is sometimes required as the skin dies . I believe you actually, this thing is the glaring problem for my mind . I believe there must be an explanation other than bacteria but this one stands out as the problem to solve for me . Antibiotics work in this case nearly always to prevent severe catastrophic tissue die off !
There is still a lot of mystery to what goes on in our bodies. Sometimes antibiotics are necessary and life-saving. Finding the cause is the challenge, as you say. And finding a practitioner with the mentality of finding the cause instead of just suppressing or amputating is also still a challenge! I wish you well.
Yes, the direct apprehension of reality is frequently overlaid with a mistaken belief system using terms that keep our true realizations at bay. More so when the belief system(s) are propagated over time for the pecuniary benefit and power of a minority ruling class. Another--lesser challenged example of such conditioning--starts early in childhood when a child is bestowed with the “belief” of a spinning spherical planet earth in place of the motionless flat plane (no “t”) on which all human life exists. And water can curve when you are not looking at it (on a spinning ball) or when you view NASA’s computer-generated imagery.
The power of belief (Scientism) negates the finding & refinement of truth where the “scientific-method” ensures it.
I'm working (intermittently) on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
Yes, the war like thinking influenced the way science saw the issue. We have the same problems in physics, economics, and other fields that obsess over competition vs cooperation.
There's a Joe Rogan joke that there's less women inventors but they all invented things that make life better and easier. Meanwhile the men inventors are shooting for the moon and how to better blow things up! 😂
Instead of helping the body do it's job, to take out the trash, modern medicine treated the symptoms of natural processes.
It's like giving someone a pill to stop pooping.
Maybe that's why they call a lot of these control freaks anal retentive 😆 .
Another great article Besty.
Looking at disease through the war lense, also encourages people to not take responsibility for their health.
It fosters the belief that it is not them or their habits that lead to illness, rather it's these invisible germs lurking around every corner ready to pounce and attack them that are to be blamed. It's the enemy not me that is responsible for my state of health.
It is also an attitude that suits lazy people not willing to let go of their unhealthy habits.
Also, couldn't agree more with you re the competitiveness and or violence of our ancestors. I also think that narrative is false, and likely pushed to make handing over our judicial and executive powers to governments look like a good idea. Sort of like, "if humans were not governed they would tear each other apart over resources."
I think it all started with Thomas Hobbs and his social contract theory. It was he who argued that the state of nature was one of violence and conflict. What nonsense.
I found an informative website that throws the entire Virus, Germ theory out with the trash.
https://viroliegy.com/2023/11/10/inventing-the-nature-of-viruses/. IMO most of what we call healthcare in the US is essentially just quackery and the power of government force by an Industry of Pharmaceuticals, protectionist medical societies AMA, as well as the Insurance
industry, and government agencies such as FDA, NIH, CDC, Medicare, Medicaid, WHO.
Mike Stone is one of the best, maybe the best, researcher out there on virology and related topics. I’ve linked and cited his articles in some of my previous posts. I agree, ViroLIEgy is the source to turn to. Mike also has a Substack of the same name.
I think we should look at all drugs and how they are used to subdue our natural health and instincts. I am talking historic, worldwide, deliberate drug addiction imposed by an international crime syndicate. This was one of my earliest Substack posts, pre-dating the Covid fiasco, but revealing the modus operandi inflicted upon us all. I entitled it C.U.N.T.S for very good reason!
Corruption, Usury, Narcotics, Terrorism and Subversion.
I hope that my meaning is not rejected purely because I used a crude word! I was unable to think of a better one, tbh.
If we’re approaching the end of a cyclical age, then it explains the increase in C.U.N.T.S.
At the renewal of the cycle, there will be less C.U.N.T.S.
I am not so sure about that.... https://francesleader.substack.com/p/predator-city-on-the-move
I’m reasonably certain that the biosphere is headed toward an inevitable natural disaster which will bring to naught the plans of the Black Nob criminal syndicate.
ETA: That being said — and I think it’s as near an absolute certainty as is possible — the Black Nob criminal syndicate will still be doing maximum damage in the (approximately) twenty five years they still have to rule.
I think they know precisely what will be happening and when. This is why they have built Astana. It is unlikely to be flooded and could have a very nice climate once the poles flip.
The Black Nob criminal syndicate had better be prepared for war. Their crimes against humanity are unforgivable. The survivors won’t have forgotten.
Call me a cockeyed optimist.
ETA: I don’t make the mistake of assigning superhuman powers to the members of the Black Nob criminal syndicate, such as they know of a location which will be undamaged when the earth’s crust temporarily separates from the earth’s mantle. I have no reason to be certain that the members of the Black Nob criminal syndicate are certain that the Astana landscape will be spared.
If they are in charge of WW3 you can bet your bottom dollar that they know where will be the safe zone.... it was Switzerland last time and they knew it. Never even imagine that what is coming will be entirely natural. They have weapons like the MEDUSA quantum energy extractor done, dusted and probably exceeded since that movie was made.
ETA means estimated time of arrival.... doesn't it? Or do you have some other lingo?
When I think of sickness, illness, disease; I think “How are human bodies being poisoned by anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation, by heavy metals, by (ingested or inhaled or injected) pharmaceuticals, by street and lifestyle drugs, by industrial chemicals polluting the air and the water and the food chain? How is this poisoning exacerbated by stress and malnutrition?”
Works for me. Seeing as how I am 74, taking no big pharma drugs, have had no vaccines in over 50 years and am not a health nut, the body does the surviving if it is allowed to. I look at my father who is almost 97 and still living on his own. He has done nothing special to garner such a long life so I wonder what has given him such a long existence.
I am convinced there is something within us that has not yet been discovered. Whatever it is, it provides health into older age and if it fails, it is because we have sabotaged it. Modern medicine is pretty much clueless and big pharma drugs are pure poisons.
I figure germ theory is a joke as these medical clowns cannot even find a cure for the simplest of afflictions, the common cold. That confirms for me that their viral religion is a complete farce.
Total agreement! I'm 72, and like you, free of pharma inputs of any sort. I think the toxic soup we live in is a huge factor in early aging, but also we have been and are being programmed by cultural ideas and expectations about what's supposed to happen when we get older. There were some studies 10 or 15 years ago where it was concluded that our bodies are designed to live at least 120 years in good health--it's pharma, toxins, nutrient-less "food,": chemicals etc., along with beliefs we have about losing strength and stamina, getting creaky joints, losing eyesight and memory, going into a slide into decrepitude to where we have to be in care for the last decade of our lives, that program us to manifest these conditions. Just believing that a "normal" lifespan is about 80 years means that's probably about how long we'll live! I'm working against that in my own self-talk and what I say out loud about "getting old."
Ageless body , Timeless mind by Deepak Chopra spells this out quite eloquently. Worth the time to read .
Yep. Here is my version of Nature is Not Trying To Kill You! https://jowaller.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes
Thanks for this! So true! Unburying our awareness that we are nature and reopening that communion we knew as children with all natural beings brings such healing.
Hello Betsy, you are very welcome and thanks for the restack.
No separation and no control, very liberating!
My only problem that seems to bother me is golden staf infection that turns the body black and amputation is sometimes required as the skin dies . I believe you actually, this thing is the glaring problem for my mind . I believe there must be an explanation other than bacteria but this one stands out as the problem to solve for me . Antibiotics work in this case nearly always to prevent severe catastrophic tissue die off !
There is still a lot of mystery to what goes on in our bodies. Sometimes antibiotics are necessary and life-saving. Finding the cause is the challenge, as you say. And finding a practitioner with the mentality of finding the cause instead of just suppressing or amputating is also still a challenge! I wish you well.
Thanks Betsy yes I agree there is still a great deal of mystery and Epigenetic’s might sort of some of these mysteries out !
Yes, the direct apprehension of reality is frequently overlaid with a mistaken belief system using terms that keep our true realizations at bay. More so when the belief system(s) are propagated over time for the pecuniary benefit and power of a minority ruling class. Another--lesser challenged example of such conditioning--starts early in childhood when a child is bestowed with the “belief” of a spinning spherical planet earth in place of the motionless flat plane (no “t”) on which all human life exists. And water can curve when you are not looking at it (on a spinning ball) or when you view NASA’s computer-generated imagery.
The power of belief (Scientism) negates the finding & refinement of truth where the “scientific-method” ensures it.
"Malthus’s theory served as the basis of Darwin’s interpretation of natural selection."
The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits
Hi Betsy,
I'm working (intermittently) on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
The motivation is more fully explained explained here: https://tomg2021.substack.com/p/the-news-as-a-situation-puzzle.
Instructions for participating (🙏) are in the pinned comment there. Thanks!