This was wonderful. For myself, I no longer focus on strengthening my immune system. For me, it's all about minimizing the damage that results from man-made chemicals/inventions. It's weird how much healthier I've been the past few years since throwing germ theory away.

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I agree, it IS liberating to know this. I also find it isolating. I can't explain this concept to all the people I hear talking about flu season. They don't want to hear it anyway. But I appreciate your article and words that will hopefully reach some open more minds.

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I also find it so irritating when people who are consistently sick due to poisoning themselves with junk food and drugs blame the innocent microbes, or even each other, for "getting them sick!"

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And the medical profession reinforces this by telling people it doesn't matter what they eat, and toxic pharmaceutical drugs that interfere with their own body's processes will fix what's wrong. I am waiting for more doctors to see how wrongly they have been taught, and stop purveying all that nonsense.

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I feel that so many opposite things are happening at once right now. While so many people hate each other, others are finding oneness. While so many have woken up to the truth about what can make us ill, others continue to push toxic shortcuts that make health worse. In this world of opposites, I have hope that truth, health, and love will prevail.

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Well said! 💯

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Indeed, one of the most difficult parts of having any wise understanding of the universe's patterns is how lonely one can feel. Every one of my patients expresses this... once you go into a journey of discovery you start to feel like you have to leave your entire community behind. It does take courage, and it is so damn lonely to walk the path of your truth.

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I too don't see an immune system that they believe in as logical. Notice how they know very little of it too... Makes you wonder if they overcomplicated it.

It assumes that we get sick by being invaded, much like the obsession of authority and power.

The truth is that the body is run more like a city.

When the garbage collection gets piled up, issues multiply.

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Right! It's all about the garbage building up and the body needing to flush it out. And thanks for the restack!

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Many thanks for this, Betsy. I'm delighted to find such a simple and lucid take-down of the immune system story!

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Thanks, Valerie!

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A reply for Christin, substacks gone weird:

Also getting 'sick' is not being ill. The symptoms are the healing- they're healthy. I eat a whole food plant based, take no drugs or supplements, practice yoga and exercise every day. However, recently there was a 'cold' that affected many people I came into contact with. My body, received these ' it's a good idea to detox now' signals and I had a slightly inflammation throat for a few days, as a precaution. It's like yawning being contagious. They're just cues. Only if the body is abused, as you describe, will it be unable to cope with the detox.

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This experience you describe is the best and most obvious answer to the question of why several people get sick at the same time. That phenomenon is, of course, the evidence always given that there must be contagious viruses, otherwise why would people who were together suddenly have the same symptoms? Thanks for the link on antibodies. I'll check it out.

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Hi Betsy, you’re very welcome 🙏🏽

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Hi Jo, somehow just seeing this now. I totally agree! I have had similar experiences to what you describe.

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Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) was the first to propose Terrain Theory and argue that there are no viruses or something attacking from outside. Pasteur won the PR battle. Others carried on BeChamp work, Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968) and Gaston Naessons (1924-2018). They all viewed our bodies as polymorphic where one cell could take on different forms. My own view is our cells are being replaced at an astounding rate. All red blood cells every 4 months, liver regenerates every 2 months, brain 9 months, rods/cones in eyes 2 days etc. Our bodies have to dispose of this cellular trash. When we eat and drink too much our system gets bogged down and we have a Herxheimer reaction of our body detoxing too fast telling us to slow down. Maybe the immune system is our trash system.

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Excellent point about cellular renewal. I will need to add that when I talk about detox events. I would hesitate to call the "trash removal" function of the body our "immune system," though, because immune system partakes so much of the war metaphor, and that there's anything to be "immune" to. Maybe we should have a contest for naming this function of the body!

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If the “Germ Theory of Disease” Were Correct,there’d Be No One Living to Believe It

-The developer of the Chiropractic profession, B. J. Palmer, D.C., wrote the above statement.

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You're right. Somehow I thought it was someone else. I'm glad to know that.

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I had to look it up because I didn't remember either. I thought it was a quote by Dr Herbert Shelton

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This is magnanimous and contrary thinking and it's excellent, Betsy. I often wondered how you could "strengthen" the presumed immune system and at what point does it get so strong you could live forever or never be sick? Of course, sickness comes from within.

Without all this allopathic nonsense, most of the medical system collapses. This type of medicine is supposed to be evidence based. Thus, the medical community can invent anything it wants and indoctrinate the public since few are going to question all this technical jargon.

As we have seen with so many drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons, there is literally NO substantial evidence to support their use. Or at least they offer nothing that the body cannot provide for itself when relatively healthy.

Today I am "thankful" for you and articles that question the status quo. Not all of us want to be boxed into group-think with no way out.

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Thanks so much, Crixcyon! I bet we could all live longer if we stopped believing in nonsense and took better care of ourselves!

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You can probably find your missing quote's correct attribution somewhere on whale.to (fantastic site for supressed medicine). I couldnt search for it cuz the site is completely banned here in Sth Korea.

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Apparently it was correctly attributed in the meme--B. J. Palmer, a chiropractor in the late 1800s who kept his head when the germ theory was taking over the thinking in allopathic circles.

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There are MANY clues about what caused the massive increase in US deaths in 2020, contained in the official records themselves. As far as I know, no one has attempted to correlate either the mainstream virus narrative, or any of the alternative narratives about cause, with the mortality data--probably because all of these narratives are false. Intro and the mortality data is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Hiya, there wasn't a massive increase in deaths in the Uk or the US in 2020. The US death rate was about the same as it had been in 2000 and in England and Wales it was the same as 2008. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/deaths-england-and-wales-2020-2022?utm_source=publication-search

There was some correlation with miazolam administration shown here https://jowaller.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing

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You are mistaken. The number of deaths recorded in the database is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion. Look at the link I provided, which provides a summary of the mortality data, along with links to the saved search in the US records so you can run it yourself easily.

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My comment is about US mortality. Your article is about UK/Wales mortality.

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I wonder if, in the context of the Flat Earth hypothesis, "immune theory" is like "a moon theory", that says the moon is 239,000 miles away. Could they both be made up by "scientists" with too much time on their hands?

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There's definitely a similar dynamic. I'd describe it as two examples of how we are being deliberately lied to. The ones who are still pulling the strings in our realm know what the truth is, and they've concealed it with false narratives that people study and develop new theories about. I believe many are waking up to the lack of actual evidence for things like germ theory and viruses, the globe, evolution, magnificent buildings being constructed with primitive technology, dinosaurs, the history of our planet, and so much more.

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Even more thorough than usual, Betsy. Impressive investigation! Question: I was “sick” for a couple of weeks recently. (First time in 5 years). I don’t know how to speak about that anymore since I don’t think that “sick” Is the right term. I’m not gonna say “I’m detoxing” to those who are unaware of the body’s natural processes. Any ideas? “Clearing out”?

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I'd say go ahead and say you're detoxing or clearing out. You'll have to explain what it means--opportunity to drop this idea into people's minds. I found that, once I let go of viruses, it was fairly easy to imagine the body's natural processes of "taking out the garbage" because it really makes a lot of sense. And it's not just toxins from outside. There's also cellular debris from normal processes (see Stuart Hutt's comment above).

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Why can't you say that you are detoxing? Who cares that they are unaware, make them aware! That is the only way people are going to learn, if we are all going to keep quiet or find ways to sound 'normal', we will remain in this global ignorant state for ages.

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OK, thanks for the suggestions. That makes sense to me.

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A book By Ethel Hume named “Bechamp or Pasteur”, published in 1942, exposes Pasteur's plagiarism and scientific fraud.

”It contains the evidence of the false grounds on which the germ theory of disease was elevated to its current status as a dogma”

Despite clear evidence that Pasteur’s germ theory is wrong, the medical industry not only propagates this false ideology but profits from it. It is the Tower of Babel, a sinful narrative built upon the ignorance and suffering of man. It will fall.

Microbes/viruses (and these terms need to be defined) do not cause “infection” - they are seasonal workers that we have co-evolved with - they are a part of us, they inform our DNA, they are not something we “catch”, and definitely not something we should eliminate.

So what is actually happening in our body when we become "ill"? What is the CAUSE of disease?

In GNM, the word “disease” is often used as a placeholder for the term “Significant Biological Special Program” (SBS)

The word disease suggests malignancy, but a biological program is a physiological response at the organ level, to a specific emotionally isolating psychological conflict. Dr Hamer, the creator of German New Medicine, purports that all disease manifests this way. His approach can be categorized as “cause based medicine”

If the first two biological laws are understood even at a basic level, the concept of “disease” in conventional terms is abolished. There is no need to “cure” anything because the display of the symptom, bar a few exceptions to the laws, is the “cure”.

“Illness” in the context of GNM is the result of the two-phase healing pattern - depending on the persons ability to recognize the patterns aligned with the biological laws and do there best not to disrupt or relapse into conflict activity or stagnate in a hanging healing - will impact how quickly they finalize the program/heal.

Conscious awareness of the programs and our perception of our experience that caused the initiation of the program is paramount to healing. I suggest a good term to use here might be “conscious healing”. You can think of GNM like a language for reading and addressing our coherent biological system (our body) with specialized and coherent adaptations (tumorous growths, inflammation, pain and swelling etc) that are mislabeled as illness/disease/cancer.

Nutrition is important insofar that it supports the body when running an SBS, initiating the two-phase healing pattern and returning to homeostasis. However it is not the CAUSE of “illness” or “disease” or an SBS. Only a specific type of conflict (psyche) will initiate a specific biological program (brain) that will affect the specific organ, and ONLY a conflict resolution will allow the body to enter the healing phase, which is when we show symptoms, and when modern medicine disrupts the healing process. It is a synchronistic process of psyche>brain>organ. It is not a theory, but a set of laws, that are true and reproducible for all humans without exception.

This framework obliterates modern medicines commodification of the human body and puts the power back in our hands, in our minds, where it has always been.

“If Dr Hamer is right, then all books of academic medicine are nothing but waste paper!”

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go watch YouTube “the immune system under a microscope” you dumb gasighting fucks.

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Hi Betsy, you may be interested in my work on 'antibodies' which definitely exist, of course they don't 'fight' invaders though they are involved in homeostasis. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/if-viruses-dont-exist-what-about

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