I really like this article! One thing I'd like to mention, though, is this: in the paragraph related to smoking you mention cancer in a way that it is an evil process that carries no positive meaning. In fact, when looking at Germanic New Medicine, cancer is nothing but cell growth that is there for a reason - and that reason is either reinstating organ tissue as part of the repair process, or a biological process that has been kicked off by a traumatic event. There is no evil in biology, and cancer is sadly completely misunderstood. Cancer is the next big thing besides viruses and vaccine how Big Pharma has been raking in millions: first, they cause the cancer through fear and by poisoning us, which forces the body to constantly repair itself, then they tell us that cell growth is evil and must be fought or death will occur, thus creating even more fear, then they poison us more with highly toxic medications and radiation treatments, which only cause more damage that needs to be repaired (think of metastases), and on top of it all they constantly harrass us about giving our hard earned cash for cancer research by the same corporations...we need to end these endless wars on humanity once and for all. Oh well, we'll do it one myth at a time :)
Yes, there are so many layers to peel away! I do not view cancer as evil, and I' sorry that is how it came through. My mother died of breast cancer in 1975, when I was 23, and for a couple of decades I was terrified of it and was pretty sure I was going to die young from breast cancer also (she was 57). Since then, starting with the Women's Cancer Resource Center in the 1990s, which pointed out that the same companies make the chemicals that can make us sick AND the chemotherapy drugs that are given as cancer treatment, and continuing with Ty and Charlene Bollinger's docuseries "The Truth About Cancer" in about 2016, I have learned much more about what cancer is. I am no longer afraid of it, mostly because I know it is not something that brings a "death sentence," it doesn't just attack us, but it's a messenger about our body and how it is doing, whether we listen to it from a GNM perspective, or as a sign of suppressed healing efforts related to the toxins we are exposed to, or a reflection of thought and the emotional resonance of fear, or other message. Thanks for your perspective.
I have come across a number of fascinating different ideas about what causes cancer--and they may all be true! And all of them are outside the thinking of the allopathic system which, as you say, exists to profit from illness, not health. It has run its course, and is on the way out, in my view. More people than ever are avoiding doctors and hospitals, herbalism is having a huge renaissance, as are acupuncture, homeopathy, and other healing modalities that have been considered "alternative" for a century.
Yup. Dr. Siegfried says most cancers are Metabolic. Not from a rogue cell at all. He's had good results with using Diet to treat even stage 4 cancers. You can find him on youtube.
If feeling gratitude and empowered and encouraged after reading your essays is the measure, Betsy, you’ve nailed it. Damn you write good. Thanks! I’m sharing your audience is waaaay too small
You are bringing together the Truths that the Medical, Pharmaceutical industries, and government don't want known. Along with several proofs of the fraud those groups have perpetrated for a century. Super!!
It's common sense, in a way--once we start wondering whether all that we've been told is true or not, the flaws in the arguments and reasoning aren't hard to find. The difficulty, at least for some, is taking in that these giant, powerful institutions, and the people who run them, have been lying to us for generations--not just being mistaken, but knowingly lying and misleading. That can be a hard (red) pill to swallow!
just like Gramma said. You only get sick when you are already not healthy. The only exception on me, seems to be a few times I caught the flu, once from ex-husband, who had sat next to a sick colleague for 8 hours, and twice while on the road with the truck. First time, sick in bed for a week, the other 2 times, a few days but both times quite sick as well. This is 17 years ago, haven't had any flu since, neither the covid. Just downloaded Pasteur or Bechamp, still have to start reading.
Thanks Besty, great article and well written. When advocating for terrain theory I get two questions which I find hard to answer, wondering if you could help.
note it not just flu, but heart attacks, measels etc. This makes it appear as there is something outside the Terrain that in some cases initiates detox.
2) when young children attend school, especially for the first time, they tend to experience disease symptoms pretty much identical to those of the other children in their school, perhaps only severity is different. These children all live in different homes and have different lifestyles and yet are detoxing in the same way at the same time. This also happens at many different schools. (as a mother of a young child I have also witnessed this). Once again this seems to be something outside the Terrain initiating the detox. For me nothing cements contagion into a mind than when your healthy child comes home with the exact symptoms that little Jonny had a day or two before. It makes talking to other mothers and teachers about terrain and health impossible.
Thanks for the kind words, Mia! Agreed that the phenomena you describe make infectious diseases being passed through contagion seem to be obviously what's going on. My answers to these questions are based on watching and reading the words of people like Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Sam Bailey for countless hours. It takes some time for the beliefs that have been dominant for generations to loosen! But I think I have absorbed enough from them and others to offer some thoughts.
WRT seasonal illness, in the fall and winter, when people in colder climates are indoors more than outdoors and houses are closed up, there is more breathing of stagnant air that has pollutants such as off-gassed chemicals from carpets and furniture, cooking residues, dust that gets recirculated, etc. Also less physical activity so less sweating for minute-to-minute detox and less movement to keep the lymph flowing. So there's likely to be a buildup of sludge in the body.
Kids are smaller, so a smaller amount of cellular debris can trigger a detox, meaning it may happen more frequently for them while they are little. Also they grow so fast that they may have more frequent renewal of cells than older humans, so they need more frequent clean-ups for that reason as well. There is an idea that measles and chickenpox are markers of a child's having reached a turning point in their development, where they need to get rid of more than just the everyday cell debris from growth and life--that there is a whole level of shedding of "stuff" that's required for them to optimally move into the next stage of growth. That these experiences happen around age 7 seems to support the idea from psychology (and astrology!) that each seven years is a cycle of development, at least for the first couple of decades of life.
The apparent contagion of these clean-ups is due, I would guess, to some kind of communication between bodies, whether it is via exosomes, energetic resonance, or some other means whereby one kid's body that is going through this kind of detox signals to the others nearby that maybe they should too. Those who need it at that time will, and those who don't, won't.
All of this is, you could say, pure speculation, since it has no scientific evidence. To me, science is very limited in what it can consider "real" and that limits what it can study and develop theories about. Humans are far more complex than allopathic medicine recognizes. We know that we are electromagnetic beings, and there is some study of what that means (HeartMath Institute for example). But how we energetically affect each other is to me a fascinating topic and helps to explain what appears to be contagion.
Excellent answer! Last week when the Sun was out, EVERYONE was out in their shorts trying to get some Sun. I asked, what were they all doing in the Winter, holed up watching TV or on their phones? I'm sure mold is also the result of chemical off-gassing, etc., and these artificial substances are the real cause of 'mold allergies', not mold. I test this out by eating samples of mold that rot the one orange in a pile of oranges. I'm still here! I don't think it's the mold spreading to other oranges, but that the moldy orange is the one in the middle that's not getting aeration or Sunlight, losing its chi, wrinkling up. Another important factor is less Sunlight in the Winter months, and so it would be interesting to see tests of Southern Hemisphere schools where they should in theory have the same number of sick absences during their Winters as opposed to their Summers. Also, as Tom Cowan pointed out with the school of dolphins swimming in toxic waters, you wouldn't think it was some contagion but the poison in the water causing dolphins to be sick, it so happens that there is an overlap of a large percentage of sick students during the winter months, so there is an illusion of contagion being spread.
Thanks for citing me again! btw, Pasteur's conniving buddy was Napoleon the 3rd, Napoleon's nephew.
Sounds about right, orgone being the same as chi, prana, vril, mojo, etc. I burn firewood as much as I can during Winter, since it's basically stored Sun energy/inner chi, like whole foods.
Thanks for your detailed reply Besty, much appreciated.
Just a quick observation, I didn't receive a notification of your like or your reply, I had to come check for a response myself. That and the issue you had with one of your notes having no engagement a while back, makes me think there is something strange going on with your account. Maybe just something to just keep in mind.
Re the sensonal disease.
Yes that has typically been my response too - essentially that the colder weather leads to a change in behavior and the adoption of habits for a period that are not optimal.
The responses are generally why are people in colder countries then not sick more often? Or why do some people in cold countries not get sick?
Also, winter only explains some of illness and not those that peak in spring and midsummer - like those related to norovirus are midsummer, measels and gastroenteritis both spring time.
Re children
Yes, most people don't have a problem accepting young children get ill more often for whatever reason. Terrain and germ theory explanations in reality don't differ much on these points- "their terrains are still developing and at a fast rate" and "their immune systems are still developing". So the issue is not there.
Also, yes they were susceptible because their terrain was unhealthy or yes they were susceptible because their immune system was down. So these points tend to confuse things rather than make then clearer for people.
My problem with shedding and exomes is those to some extent are "contagious" particles initiating a disease - it seems like germ theory in another coat. Also, failed contagion studies seems to disprove this outright. Albiet those have been done mostly with adults.
The communication via other means bio-fields or such makes more sense to me and is also usually the one I refer to. It stays away from "contagious" like particles. But it also doesn't explain why kids living in different environments are detoxing in the exact same ways - same symptoms. Why, when there are so many detox symptoms - rash, cough, fever, snotty nose, fatigue, sore throught, swollen glands, body aches, blister, loss of taste and smell etc - do the kids hanging around each other detox in the same manner - express the same group of symptoms and not different ones? Especially seeing as they are not all living the exact same lifestyle.
Also, why did the body wait until another kid came around to decide it's time to detox? Why not detox when it suited the child in question.
But do you see why I was pointing out that there seems to be something from the outside, not the Terrain itself, that initiates the detox. Something that is akin to contagion ?
The developmental explanation is probably the best out all the explanations and I believe both Cowan and Stone say that this idea comes from Rudolf Steiner. Essentially, Steiner explains that childhood diseases like measels etc is due to development but not purely the development of your physical body, it is a conflict between your materials (inherited traits) and your karmic traits taking place.
I have read lots of Rudolf Steiner and tend to feel his explanation of why we get ill are superior to most. But if you have ever read him, you will understand that it's hard explaining his ideas to anyone let alone those coming straight out of germ theory.
Moreover, Rudolf Steiner says that contagion does exist to a certain extent and it is the reason people get ill indirectly. A person will get ill from a direct cause (terrain reasons) and their loved ones (or anyone who cares for them really ) who feel sympathic for them and who are susceptible (not unhealthy but rather inclined due to that person's particular make up) to the disease will likely fall ill too - due to these indirect reasons not the direct cause. It is because we feel sympathy that our bodies memic the disease. This is why households get sick with the same symptoms at the same time according to Steiner. So you can see why this may be mudding the waters to a certain extent or at least not helpful for getting people see through germ theory.
Anyways, i am not asking you to provide definite explanations or answers, I am not sure anyone can at this stage. I was just wondering how you approached these questions. My ultimate answer to these questions is always that because of germ theory we have not taken the time to investigate these issues properly. Because of germ theory people have always believed that these have been properly explained when they have not. Which I think is one of the reasons you also give for why dismantling the virus lie is so important and why you started your substack.
Understanding what makes us "sick" is difficult, for reasons you outline: "germ theory" and a defective body have been the explanations for so long, we have assumed they are true, and our observational data seems to fit so well into them. And if it isn't those things, the realm of what it could be is so vast as to be overwhelming. I feel that--and I can see why there are people who just don't want to go there.
To me, though, the open question of "what could it be" is one of the best reasons of all to ditch those tired old facile ideas about illness--it opens up a vast realm of possibilities for not just what makes us sick, but what makes us well. How do our bodies really work? Why do they do what they do? And the biggest of all, how much and what kind of difference do my minute-to-minute choices on every level of being make in all of that? This is, as you acknowledge, my reason for wanting to write about this in the first place!
Virology and germ theory are just the most obvious ways that narratives of control and disempowerment have been imposed on ordinary people on this planet for centuries, millennia! We are living in an era when the veil has been lifted, and we have the opportunity to SEE that veil, and then to see beyond it in ways our ancestors never could, and gape in wonder at what has been hidden from us. It isn't just the dark, disgusting stuff that has been hidden and is now being brought to light, but also the true answers to those age-old questions: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" and "What is this place?" about which every institution, from religion to education to politics to science and all the theories about human nature and society have been lying to us for so long.
There are so many avenues of exploration for us to expand our minds out to that vast realm that has been kept from us--and so, so, so many incredible things to learn. This is one of the reasons I am alive on the planet right now, I am convinced: to clear ancestral trauma in my lineage, and that includes all the trauma inflicted by these false narratives. (Hope that doesn't sound too grandiose!) (But it's really what I feel.)
If only more people approached the unknown with the attitude you have described. Most run and hide behind their fear or convenience.
Agreed, germ theory is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to narratives suppressing and corrupting our grasp on reality.
Recent events have, however, thrown the germ theory narrative into the public's immediate attention and provided a unique wake up opportunity for many.
I have felt it important to sieze upon this opportunity and nudge as many people out of their intellectual comfort zones possible. Why I feel it necessary to try and figure out the answers to as many of their questions as I am able. Giving them the reassurance that the alternatives are not up in the air but practical and freeing. The hope being once they unravel the fraud of germ theory and virology they become as excited about the unknown as you are. Ready to tackle any other limiting belief they may hold.
Thanks for sharing Besty. I think your substack will help a lot of people, keep at it.
You go, Mia! Keep up the purposeful explaining of alternative understandings of disease and health to those who are asking the questions. Super important!
You are reading my mind. My next article says many of the things you say here! I'll have to make you a co-author! Thanks for reading and responding. These conversations are invaluable.
If you haven't already, you should look into morphic resonance research by Rupert Sheldrake, etc., and New Germanic Medicine by Ryke Geerd Hamer. We are limiting our understanding of reality if the framework is limited to Cartesian science.
That link you put in says that there is no deficiency of Vitamin D3 and yet everyone who got 'covid' had a very low vitamin D3. They also say supplements are useless. I don't believe that either. As long as you take vitamin k with the D3. That is a very strange website, almost makes me suspect it was put out by the Globalist elite Mafia who are trying to kill us!
I’m not sure what your comment is responding to, or which website you mean. There are varying opinions out there about vitamin D supplements. The best way to get vitamin D is to get out in the sun and let your body make it.
Sorry, it wasn't your website or page, it was a LINK a person posted in their comment on your page. I was excited about it until they said that there were no deficiencies with Vit. D3.
The establishment’s model of blood and lung physiology fails under scrutiny. I’ll explain why.
We breathe air not oxygen.
Air is measured by its moisture or humidity Eg its at 45% humidity today
Oxygen is measured by its dryness Eg medical oxygen has 67parts per million or less of water contamination.
The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point.
Can you comprehend the mis-match?
Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air.
There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to become a non-flammable version of oxygen. I have a link to a demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used.
The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water sponges.
The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells and aids the lungs.
The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.
The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.
Now you know why the old remedies are successful.
Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.
Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.
It is time the COMMONS reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Healing begins with hydration.
Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.
Oxygen on release from a container will extract moisture from its surroundings to become air, its natural state. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture from the mucosa and the delicate alveoli causing dehydration. This can kill.
Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind.
You need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.
This is so interesting. I'd come across most of this already but not in such depth from this angle (I completed a degree in classical homeopathy and have worked as a translator and interpreter in the field of complementary medicine for many years) What you are describing here resonates perfectly with classical homeopathy!
The same shit is also happening in agriculture (attacking the organism of Mother Earth). Justus Liebig was a young chemist when he 'discovered' the elements/nutrients necessary for plant growth, and how these chemicals can be provided 'externally' as it were (rather than relying on healthy soil.) His suggestions were enthusiastically picked up and became foundational in the development of chemical fertilisers ›› agricultural industry. When he renounced his theories 10 years later, they threw a lordship, status and money at him and told him to shut up. A familiar story in the history of 'science'.
Thanks for the kind words! My next post will focus on how the war mentality in both farming and gardening has misunderstood the role of insects that eat plants and led to use of pesticides instead of attention to optimizing plant health. And is one reason why vegetables have less and less nutritional value.
Exactly. Having elimination organs, especially the liver and large intestine, in good working order is essential for everyday cleanup. When these organs are compromised, that's when disease starts getting entrenched. And people take drugs instead of taking steps to clean out and flush their liver and intestines so they can function optimally. This doesn't seem to be understood by the medical profession, either, sadly and incomprehensibly.
Yes absolutely, German New Medicine and Homeopathy view any dus ease , as a chance to learn and grow to understand where it came from and how we can heal , physically , mentally, emotionally , spiritually
Thank you, very easy to understand and succinct. I've been a practising Homeopath for eighteen years. But did not know viruses were manmade toxins until the plan DeMiC, the great awakening.
I'm not sure "viruses" are manmade toxins, unless you use the word "virus" to mean that. It's not what is usually meant--"viruses" are supposedly biological entities, but they've never been found as such. Some say that these entities are being "engineered" in labs to make "bioweapons," and to me that is an incorrect story. "Viruses" can't be engineered if they don't exist. What are they doing in those labs? Who knows--but it isn't engineering "viruses." Since in my lexicon a "bioweapon" needs to be a biological entity to begin with, and there's no evidence of that being the case with what's being called the "SARS-CoV-2 virus," whatever may be being spread around to make people sick is not biological but chemical or technological. That's how I see it.
I also believe they released natural toxins into the water supply IE snake and sea snail venoms. As the resulting symptoms are synonymous with these type of poisoning and can be treated with Homeopathucs eh Lachesis which is snake venom IE like cures like
Or with Herbs plants that break down and break up clots like : Liquorice , nicotine in it's purest firm , of the tobacco plant , or again in Homeopathic potency , or in patch firm ( depending on severity of symptoms) x
I think the word virus comes from the greek , meaning toxin. So I believe they are synthetic toxins , that they call viruses to make us believe they exist in nature sovereign have something to be fearful of. So they can invent a cure in the firm of a vaccine
So many good questions! I agree about there having been people in the past who would know how to deal with all the things that we deal with, but they died off, I think – and everybody has been convinced and programmed about Western medicine being the best thing since sliced bread. It’s almost like the burning times, except they didn’t literally burn people who were healers and herbalists, but driving them out of business, and then, gradually their knowledge is forgotten, is the same thing– less violent, of course. I feel like now that we are really able to question everything, and find out that so much of what we have been told is true, has no basis in fact or historical reality, we have the opportunity to learn about how things really work. To recover that knowledge that probably isn’t really lost, but just has been buried. I wish you well in your efforts to find healing.
I really like this article! One thing I'd like to mention, though, is this: in the paragraph related to smoking you mention cancer in a way that it is an evil process that carries no positive meaning. In fact, when looking at Germanic New Medicine, cancer is nothing but cell growth that is there for a reason - and that reason is either reinstating organ tissue as part of the repair process, or a biological process that has been kicked off by a traumatic event. There is no evil in biology, and cancer is sadly completely misunderstood. Cancer is the next big thing besides viruses and vaccine how Big Pharma has been raking in millions: first, they cause the cancer through fear and by poisoning us, which forces the body to constantly repair itself, then they tell us that cell growth is evil and must be fought or death will occur, thus creating even more fear, then they poison us more with highly toxic medications and radiation treatments, which only cause more damage that needs to be repaired (think of metastases), and on top of it all they constantly harrass us about giving our hard earned cash for cancer research by the same corporations...we need to end these endless wars on humanity once and for all. Oh well, we'll do it one myth at a time :)
Yes, there are so many layers to peel away! I do not view cancer as evil, and I' sorry that is how it came through. My mother died of breast cancer in 1975, when I was 23, and for a couple of decades I was terrified of it and was pretty sure I was going to die young from breast cancer also (she was 57). Since then, starting with the Women's Cancer Resource Center in the 1990s, which pointed out that the same companies make the chemicals that can make us sick AND the chemotherapy drugs that are given as cancer treatment, and continuing with Ty and Charlene Bollinger's docuseries "The Truth About Cancer" in about 2016, I have learned much more about what cancer is. I am no longer afraid of it, mostly because I know it is not something that brings a "death sentence," it doesn't just attack us, but it's a messenger about our body and how it is doing, whether we listen to it from a GNM perspective, or as a sign of suppressed healing efforts related to the toxins we are exposed to, or a reflection of thought and the emotional resonance of fear, or other message. Thanks for your perspective.
this reminds me of a book from Guilaine Lanctot, the medical mafia, which states the same about cancer.
Mid-1920's Dr Otto Warburg published his findings that cellular oxygen
starvation is the initiation event of the cancer process...During the early 1930's
from a different approach, Dr Wilhelm Reich concluded the same...
There are Oxygen Therapies claimed to be quite effective in reversing the
BUT, as Goldman Sach advised investors over a decade ago "Dont
invest in start-ups looking for cancer cures ! There are no profits in cures !!"
The Cancer Industry is a Trillion Dollar (high employment) industry - looking
for (EXPENSIVE) treatments...There's no profits in cures !
I have come across a number of fascinating different ideas about what causes cancer--and they may all be true! And all of them are outside the thinking of the allopathic system which, as you say, exists to profit from illness, not health. It has run its course, and is on the way out, in my view. More people than ever are avoiding doctors and hospitals, herbalism is having a huge renaissance, as are acupuncture, homeopathy, and other healing modalities that have been considered "alternative" for a century.
Yup. Dr. Siegfried says most cancers are Metabolic. Not from a rogue cell at all. He's had good results with using Diet to treat even stage 4 cancers. You can find him on youtube.
If feeling gratitude and empowered and encouraged after reading your essays is the measure, Betsy, you’ve nailed it. Damn you write good. Thanks! I’m sharing your audience is waaaay too small
Thanks! I would love a bigger audience.
Your audience will grow organically, I reckon 1,000 by middle May 👏
You are bringing together the Truths that the Medical, Pharmaceutical industries, and government don't want known. Along with several proofs of the fraud those groups have perpetrated for a century. Super!!
It's common sense, in a way--once we start wondering whether all that we've been told is true or not, the flaws in the arguments and reasoning aren't hard to find. The difficulty, at least for some, is taking in that these giant, powerful institutions, and the people who run them, have been lying to us for generations--not just being mistaken, but knowingly lying and misleading. That can be a hard (red) pill to swallow!
just like Gramma said. You only get sick when you are already not healthy. The only exception on me, seems to be a few times I caught the flu, once from ex-husband, who had sat next to a sick colleague for 8 hours, and twice while on the road with the truck. First time, sick in bed for a week, the other 2 times, a few days but both times quite sick as well. This is 17 years ago, haven't had any flu since, neither the covid. Just downloaded Pasteur or Bechamp, still have to start reading.
What a wonderful summary.
Thanks Besty, great article and well written. When advocating for terrain theory I get two questions which I find hard to answer, wondering if you could help.
1) why do some diseases appear to be seasonal. See here for an example https://library-of-atlantis.com/2024/01/03/seasonal-disease/
note it not just flu, but heart attacks, measels etc. This makes it appear as there is something outside the Terrain that in some cases initiates detox.
2) when young children attend school, especially for the first time, they tend to experience disease symptoms pretty much identical to those of the other children in their school, perhaps only severity is different. These children all live in different homes and have different lifestyles and yet are detoxing in the same way at the same time. This also happens at many different schools. (as a mother of a young child I have also witnessed this). Once again this seems to be something outside the Terrain initiating the detox. For me nothing cements contagion into a mind than when your healthy child comes home with the exact symptoms that little Jonny had a day or two before. It makes talking to other mothers and teachers about terrain and health impossible.
Appreciate any input. Thanks again.
Thanks for the kind words, Mia! Agreed that the phenomena you describe make infectious diseases being passed through contagion seem to be obviously what's going on. My answers to these questions are based on watching and reading the words of people like Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Sam Bailey for countless hours. It takes some time for the beliefs that have been dominant for generations to loosen! But I think I have absorbed enough from them and others to offer some thoughts.
WRT seasonal illness, in the fall and winter, when people in colder climates are indoors more than outdoors and houses are closed up, there is more breathing of stagnant air that has pollutants such as off-gassed chemicals from carpets and furniture, cooking residues, dust that gets recirculated, etc. Also less physical activity so less sweating for minute-to-minute detox and less movement to keep the lymph flowing. So there's likely to be a buildup of sludge in the body.
Kids are smaller, so a smaller amount of cellular debris can trigger a detox, meaning it may happen more frequently for them while they are little. Also they grow so fast that they may have more frequent renewal of cells than older humans, so they need more frequent clean-ups for that reason as well. There is an idea that measles and chickenpox are markers of a child's having reached a turning point in their development, where they need to get rid of more than just the everyday cell debris from growth and life--that there is a whole level of shedding of "stuff" that's required for them to optimally move into the next stage of growth. That these experiences happen around age 7 seems to support the idea from psychology (and astrology!) that each seven years is a cycle of development, at least for the first couple of decades of life.
The apparent contagion of these clean-ups is due, I would guess, to some kind of communication between bodies, whether it is via exosomes, energetic resonance, or some other means whereby one kid's body that is going through this kind of detox signals to the others nearby that maybe they should too. Those who need it at that time will, and those who don't, won't.
All of this is, you could say, pure speculation, since it has no scientific evidence. To me, science is very limited in what it can consider "real" and that limits what it can study and develop theories about. Humans are far more complex than allopathic medicine recognizes. We know that we are electromagnetic beings, and there is some study of what that means (HeartMath Institute for example). But how we energetically affect each other is to me a fascinating topic and helps to explain what appears to be contagion.
Excellent answer! Last week when the Sun was out, EVERYONE was out in their shorts trying to get some Sun. I asked, what were they all doing in the Winter, holed up watching TV or on their phones? I'm sure mold is also the result of chemical off-gassing, etc., and these artificial substances are the real cause of 'mold allergies', not mold. I test this out by eating samples of mold that rot the one orange in a pile of oranges. I'm still here! I don't think it's the mold spreading to other oranges, but that the moldy orange is the one in the middle that's not getting aeration or Sunlight, losing its chi, wrinkling up. Another important factor is less Sunlight in the Winter months, and so it would be interesting to see tests of Southern Hemisphere schools where they should in theory have the same number of sick absences during their Winters as opposed to their Summers. Also, as Tom Cowan pointed out with the school of dolphins swimming in toxic waters, you wouldn't think it was some contagion but the poison in the water causing dolphins to be sick, it so happens that there is an overlap of a large percentage of sick students during the winter months, so there is an illusion of contagion being spread.
Thanks for citing me again! btw, Pasteur's conniving buddy was Napoleon the 3rd, Napoleon's nephew.
For 'less chi in the winter months' i'm reminded that Dr Wilhelm
Reich's research revealed less Orgone Energy during cold clouded
periods...Seems Orgone Energy is excited by and loves The Sun...
Sounds about right, orgone being the same as chi, prana, vril, mojo, etc. I burn firewood as much as I can during Winter, since it's basically stored Sun energy/inner chi, like whole foods.
Your spot on re the mold, also very cool that you do your own experiments.
See my reply to Besty re the seasonal diseases.
Thanks for your detailed reply Besty, much appreciated.
Just a quick observation, I didn't receive a notification of your like or your reply, I had to come check for a response myself. That and the issue you had with one of your notes having no engagement a while back, makes me think there is something strange going on with your account. Maybe just something to just keep in mind.
Re the sensonal disease.
Yes that has typically been my response too - essentially that the colder weather leads to a change in behavior and the adoption of habits for a period that are not optimal.
The responses are generally why are people in colder countries then not sick more often? Or why do some people in cold countries not get sick?
Also, winter only explains some of illness and not those that peak in spring and midsummer - like those related to norovirus are midsummer, measels and gastroenteritis both spring time.
Re children
Yes, most people don't have a problem accepting young children get ill more often for whatever reason. Terrain and germ theory explanations in reality don't differ much on these points- "their terrains are still developing and at a fast rate" and "their immune systems are still developing". So the issue is not there.
Also, yes they were susceptible because their terrain was unhealthy or yes they were susceptible because their immune system was down. So these points tend to confuse things rather than make then clearer for people.
My problem with shedding and exomes is those to some extent are "contagious" particles initiating a disease - it seems like germ theory in another coat. Also, failed contagion studies seems to disprove this outright. Albiet those have been done mostly with adults.
The communication via other means bio-fields or such makes more sense to me and is also usually the one I refer to. It stays away from "contagious" like particles. But it also doesn't explain why kids living in different environments are detoxing in the exact same ways - same symptoms. Why, when there are so many detox symptoms - rash, cough, fever, snotty nose, fatigue, sore throught, swollen glands, body aches, blister, loss of taste and smell etc - do the kids hanging around each other detox in the same manner - express the same group of symptoms and not different ones? Especially seeing as they are not all living the exact same lifestyle.
Also, why did the body wait until another kid came around to decide it's time to detox? Why not detox when it suited the child in question.
But do you see why I was pointing out that there seems to be something from the outside, not the Terrain itself, that initiates the detox. Something that is akin to contagion ?
The developmental explanation is probably the best out all the explanations and I believe both Cowan and Stone say that this idea comes from Rudolf Steiner. Essentially, Steiner explains that childhood diseases like measels etc is due to development but not purely the development of your physical body, it is a conflict between your materials (inherited traits) and your karmic traits taking place.
I have read lots of Rudolf Steiner and tend to feel his explanation of why we get ill are superior to most. But if you have ever read him, you will understand that it's hard explaining his ideas to anyone let alone those coming straight out of germ theory.
Moreover, Rudolf Steiner says that contagion does exist to a certain extent and it is the reason people get ill indirectly. A person will get ill from a direct cause (terrain reasons) and their loved ones (or anyone who cares for them really ) who feel sympathic for them and who are susceptible (not unhealthy but rather inclined due to that person's particular make up) to the disease will likely fall ill too - due to these indirect reasons not the direct cause. It is because we feel sympathy that our bodies memic the disease. This is why households get sick with the same symptoms at the same time according to Steiner. So you can see why this may be mudding the waters to a certain extent or at least not helpful for getting people see through germ theory.
Anyways, i am not asking you to provide definite explanations or answers, I am not sure anyone can at this stage. I was just wondering how you approached these questions. My ultimate answer to these questions is always that because of germ theory we have not taken the time to investigate these issues properly. Because of germ theory people have always believed that these have been properly explained when they have not. Which I think is one of the reasons you also give for why dismantling the virus lie is so important and why you started your substack.
Understanding what makes us "sick" is difficult, for reasons you outline: "germ theory" and a defective body have been the explanations for so long, we have assumed they are true, and our observational data seems to fit so well into them. And if it isn't those things, the realm of what it could be is so vast as to be overwhelming. I feel that--and I can see why there are people who just don't want to go there.
To me, though, the open question of "what could it be" is one of the best reasons of all to ditch those tired old facile ideas about illness--it opens up a vast realm of possibilities for not just what makes us sick, but what makes us well. How do our bodies really work? Why do they do what they do? And the biggest of all, how much and what kind of difference do my minute-to-minute choices on every level of being make in all of that? This is, as you acknowledge, my reason for wanting to write about this in the first place!
Virology and germ theory are just the most obvious ways that narratives of control and disempowerment have been imposed on ordinary people on this planet for centuries, millennia! We are living in an era when the veil has been lifted, and we have the opportunity to SEE that veil, and then to see beyond it in ways our ancestors never could, and gape in wonder at what has been hidden from us. It isn't just the dark, disgusting stuff that has been hidden and is now being brought to light, but also the true answers to those age-old questions: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" and "What is this place?" about which every institution, from religion to education to politics to science and all the theories about human nature and society have been lying to us for so long.
There are so many avenues of exploration for us to expand our minds out to that vast realm that has been kept from us--and so, so, so many incredible things to learn. This is one of the reasons I am alive on the planet right now, I am convinced: to clear ancestral trauma in my lineage, and that includes all the trauma inflicted by these false narratives. (Hope that doesn't sound too grandiose!) (But it's really what I feel.)
What a fantastic perspective Besty!
If only more people approached the unknown with the attitude you have described. Most run and hide behind their fear or convenience.
Agreed, germ theory is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to narratives suppressing and corrupting our grasp on reality.
Recent events have, however, thrown the germ theory narrative into the public's immediate attention and provided a unique wake up opportunity for many.
I have felt it important to sieze upon this opportunity and nudge as many people out of their intellectual comfort zones possible. Why I feel it necessary to try and figure out the answers to as many of their questions as I am able. Giving them the reassurance that the alternatives are not up in the air but practical and freeing. The hope being once they unravel the fraud of germ theory and virology they become as excited about the unknown as you are. Ready to tackle any other limiting belief they may hold.
Thanks for sharing Besty. I think your substack will help a lot of people, keep at it.
You go, Mia! Keep up the purposeful explaining of alternative understandings of disease and health to those who are asking the questions. Super important!
You are reading my mind. My next article says many of the things you say here! I'll have to make you a co-author! Thanks for reading and responding. These conversations are invaluable.
If you haven't already, you should look into morphic resonance research by Rupert Sheldrake, etc., and New Germanic Medicine by Ryke Geerd Hamer. We are limiting our understanding of reality if the framework is limited to Cartesian science.
Agreed, the only way we are going to get any answers is to approach these issues with an open and inquisitive mind.
I have briefly looked into both Sheldrake and NGM but I think they are both worth looking at again. Thank you!
The articles explanation of Terrain as being a paradign, not a theory, would
have been a great intervention to a recent thread on Offguardian - where
Admin dissed "Terrain Theory" for not being scientific etc...(Admins argument
being very much a Strawman)...
That link you put in says that there is no deficiency of Vitamin D3 and yet everyone who got 'covid' had a very low vitamin D3. They also say supplements are useless. I don't believe that either. As long as you take vitamin k with the D3. That is a very strange website, almost makes me suspect it was put out by the Globalist elite Mafia who are trying to kill us!
I’m not sure what your comment is responding to, or which website you mean. There are varying opinions out there about vitamin D supplements. The best way to get vitamin D is to get out in the sun and let your body make it.
Sorry, it wasn't your website or page, it was a LINK a person posted in their comment on your page. I was excited about it until they said that there were no deficiencies with Vit. D3.
What causes a cold or respiratory dis-ease?
The establishment’s model of blood and lung physiology fails under scrutiny. I’ll explain why.
We breathe air not oxygen.
Air is measured by its moisture or humidity Eg its at 45% humidity today
Oxygen is measured by its dryness Eg medical oxygen has 67parts per million or less of water contamination.
The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point.
Can you comprehend the mis-match?
Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air.
There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to become a non-flammable version of oxygen. I have a link to a demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used.
The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water sponges.
The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells and aids the lungs.
The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.
The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.
Now you know why the old remedies are successful.
Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.
Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.
It is time the COMMONS reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Healing begins with hydration.
Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.
Oxygen on release from a container will extract moisture from its surroundings to become air, its natural state. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture from the mucosa and the delicate alveoli causing dehydration. This can kill.
Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind.
You need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.
This is so interesting. I'd come across most of this already but not in such depth from this angle (I completed a degree in classical homeopathy and have worked as a translator and interpreter in the field of complementary medicine for many years) What you are describing here resonates perfectly with classical homeopathy!
The same shit is also happening in agriculture (attacking the organism of Mother Earth). Justus Liebig was a young chemist when he 'discovered' the elements/nutrients necessary for plant growth, and how these chemicals can be provided 'externally' as it were (rather than relying on healthy soil.) His suggestions were enthusiastically picked up and became foundational in the development of chemical fertilisers ›› agricultural industry. When he renounced his theories 10 years later, they threw a lordship, status and money at him and told him to shut up. A familiar story in the history of 'science'.
Thanks for the kind words! My next post will focus on how the war mentality in both farming and gardening has misunderstood the role of insects that eat plants and led to use of pesticides instead of attention to optimizing plant health. And is one reason why vegetables have less and less nutritional value.
Oh, I'm looking forward to that one!
Being able to maintain a state of optimal health would require there be
no damage to the organs of elimination...When those organs become
overloaded, have their ability to process out the build-up of wastes and
toxins, they begin to break down (dis-ease)...One often reads about how
allopathic drugs contribute to liver disease and failure (the latter being
recorded as the 'cause of death' - when really the treatments were)...
Exactly. Having elimination organs, especially the liver and large intestine, in good working order is essential for everyday cleanup. When these organs are compromised, that's when disease starts getting entrenched. And people take drugs instead of taking steps to clean out and flush their liver and intestines so they can function optimally. This doesn't seem to be understood by the medical profession, either, sadly and incomprehensibly.
Yes absolutely, German New Medicine and Homeopathy view any dus ease , as a chance to learn and grow to understand where it came from and how we can heal , physically , mentally, emotionally , spiritually
Thank you, very easy to understand and succinct. I've been a practising Homeopath for eighteen years. But did not know viruses were manmade toxins until the plan DeMiC, the great awakening.
Thank you for the kind words!
I'm not sure "viruses" are manmade toxins, unless you use the word "virus" to mean that. It's not what is usually meant--"viruses" are supposedly biological entities, but they've never been found as such. Some say that these entities are being "engineered" in labs to make "bioweapons," and to me that is an incorrect story. "Viruses" can't be engineered if they don't exist. What are they doing in those labs? Who knows--but it isn't engineering "viruses." Since in my lexicon a "bioweapon" needs to be a biological entity to begin with, and there's no evidence of that being the case with what's being called the "SARS-CoV-2 virus," whatever may be being spread around to make people sick is not biological but chemical or technological. That's how I see it.
I also believe they released natural toxins into the water supply IE snake and sea snail venoms. As the resulting symptoms are synonymous with these type of poisoning and can be treated with Homeopathucs eh Lachesis which is snake venom IE like cures like
Or with Herbs plants that break down and break up clots like : Liquorice , nicotine in it's purest firm , of the tobacco plant , or again in Homeopathic potency , or in patch firm ( depending on severity of symptoms) x
They are synthetic, lab engineered toxins. No virus exists in nature , so they are not natural therefore they have been made by man x
I think the word virus comes from the greek , meaning toxin. So I believe they are synthetic toxins , that they call viruses to make us believe they exist in nature sovereign have something to be fearful of. So they can invent a cure in the firm of a vaccine
So many good questions! I agree about there having been people in the past who would know how to deal with all the things that we deal with, but they died off, I think – and everybody has been convinced and programmed about Western medicine being the best thing since sliced bread. It’s almost like the burning times, except they didn’t literally burn people who were healers and herbalists, but driving them out of business, and then, gradually their knowledge is forgotten, is the same thing– less violent, of course. I feel like now that we are really able to question everything, and find out that so much of what we have been told is true, has no basis in fact or historical reality, we have the opportunity to learn about how things really work. To recover that knowledge that probably isn’t really lost, but just has been buried. I wish you well in your efforts to find healing.
Thanks Betsy. I'm working on it every day. I hope I get there before I croak! :)