Excellent launch article, Betsy! I agree 1000% and couldn't have said it better myself! 👏

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Thanks Mike! That means a lot coming from you. I will be linking your articles and your site frequently in my future articles. I just didn’t quite take the time to learn how to do it before getting this one published.

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I understand completely. I had a heckuva time trying to learn how to work both WordPress and Substack. I am sure that there are many things that I am either unfamiliar with or doing incorrectly on both. It's definitely a learning process. 😁

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Mike, you would have used a few more words I reckon?!

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Lol, I do tend to ramble on...and on...and on... 🤣

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Thorough,.......proper thorough!

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I like your way of looking at it better than mine, Calvin. 😉

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Yes, it matters a lot to know the truth.

My health has vastly improved in many areas now that the mind "virus" of contagion is no longer delivering a nocebo effect.

It's hilarious that their idea of the way the body handles things is in a war like mentality. The "immune system" is like a defense force that checks the "papers" of things in order to decide whether to eliminate it and how. Total fantasy!

The truth is, we have a system more like a city where garbage collection is essential and there's no sort of "identification" needed. Dead cells and debris are naturally eliminated. If the garbage piles up, sickness happens, like we see with the clot shots.

As for the no virus position, Sasha Latypova mentions good points in this video on that. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/after-talk-on-narrative-control-with

-the false push for unity which promotes germ theory garbage like lab leak and the "deadly pandemic" narrative

-the false extremists who are no virus who try to discredit the genuinely questioning people who have solid facts of no virus

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I am so done with people talking about the "immune system!" The war mentality is deeply ingrained in how we think about health and our bodies. I really want to change that! I suppose the garbage-collection metaphor is not as romantic as the warrior-fighting-bad-guys metaphor, but this is one of the things we need to understand about how our bodies work.

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How about 'clean-up crew'? Brilliant post - thank you.

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One of the most miraculous things about life is that after we die, or animals die, or plants die, we decompose (thanks to bacteria) and are recirculated back into the soil, providing nutrients and minerals that other lives may/will benefit from. My mother turned kitchen vegetable scraps into beautiful black soil.

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It is a dog eat dog world though - predators exist, pathogens do exist. Even if 'virus' are deemed fake, that doesn't mean tapeworms are fake. Throwing out the immune system because of academia lies is silly. Distorted truth is a mix of truth and lies or error.

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"Immune system" as a term is an artifact of a military/war metaphor for how we are related to and interact with the rest of the natural world. We do have mechanisms for protecting us from unwanted influences and substances, mainly toxins, not pathogens, and to heal damaged tissue. I choose not to call that an "immune system." I do not see the world as "dog eat dog." That to me is also an artifact, of an incorrect understanding of evolution and ecology. The world is interconnected an interdependent, relying much more on cooperation than competition.

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I hope your mother breast fed you as a baby.

Have a nice life.

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It’s funny because I’ve been seeing a few of your posts and starting to get interested. But this reply throws that all into question. Your reply here is a fear based, the suggestion is that Betsy fears her situation should it not be as you suggest. Yet Betsey made a positive comment about the world and how she sees it, a comment without any reference to fear. There was no need to reply with fear, you simply could have doubted her. Her suggestion about the world appears to have prompted you into attack mode. We don’t need any more fear in the world we need more people like Betsey who can interpret the world positively. We get what we give.

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You misunderstood me. I am a lactation consultant, I was literally hopeful that Betsy had been breast fed because that would set her up to be better protected in this world which does have pathogens.

I was not breastfed and had all sorts of odd health or skin issues all of my life.

I am not fearful. I am frustrated with disrespect for the danger that gain of function research has launched on the world. Just because virology lies and is faked or false in many ways doesn't mean people aren't suffering from CoV - chimeric spike - bioweapon harm.

Not everyone is effected equally and having been breastfed helps on average, over the lifetime not just immediately.

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She did. You have a nice life too.

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You are lucky. She left you a gift of long-term health with a better armed microbiome and better immunity.

Not everyone is equally healthy and that can have many factors, including immune system development. Just because not everyone got sick to mystery illness does not mean no one did, and the jabs just made it all much worse. Gain of Function research exists and it harms people unequally, possibly by design. Some ethnicities are safer. Weather something is called a virus or a bioweapon doesn't really make it more safe or effective just more marketable with the public.

*Someone else made a comment with a lot of made up stuff about my reply so I wanted to clarify about breastfeeding and my snarky comment.

The idea that "no virus" meant "no immune system" too left me really speechless. Just because mad scientists have hijacked nature does not mean nature doesn't exist or didn't exist first.

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tapeworms may be real like bacteria but are still clean up crew, immune system implies fighting something off, there is no fight or blocking going on. symptoms are the body detoxing, dead cell debris waste removal and repair system.

www.whatreallymakesyouill.com and book Toxemia Explained! by Dr John Tilden

might be free pdf at www.VirusTruth.NET under books.

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'In fact, we are more powerful as physical and spiritual beings than we have ever been allowed to believe'. Says it all. Great article.

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Well written article. As I've said myself many times that cannot be emphasized enough, because of the false belief in "viruses" people are undergoing various medical procedures, procedures that are harmful and that can even kill them. For instance, take New York where they put people on ventilators instead of giving them oxygen. This was partly based on the reasoning that they didn't want the "virus" to spread and what was the result of this change in medical procedure? Well, 97.2% of the people over the age of 65 (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765184) that were put on a ventilator died. They died because of unfounded fear and bad medical procedures, so telling me that this is not important is so far from the truth that we can come. This is a topic that has life and death consequences.

It should also be noted that millions of people worldwide have been killed by these experimental injections, injections that they falsely believed would protect them against "viruses". How much more carnage do we want in this world before we start to understand the importance of addressing the fact that there is a total lack of scientific evidence for the existence of "viruses". Last but not least, how can any true prevention occur when we are blaming the wrong things for our bad health?

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Thank you, John! I have been a subscriber to your Substack for a while, and have seen you on podcasts and videos sharing your research. It has had an impact on me! And I totally agree about the false belief in "viruses" being a secondary cause of so much harm! I will be addressing this and other issues as I go forward.

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Betsy, my husband asked me yesterday when I was being very animated with friends this question - So is this your “Why” ( Simon syneck). I replied, “ I think it is.” My purpose. Telling the world that they have been epically lied to and there us nothing to fear because the body is an amazing machine and can repair itself! Thanks for this article. It’s excellent!

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Thanks so much, Kristen! We are the same person! It’s taken me a while to get started, but I feel that speaking out about this is one of the reasons I am here right now. Thanks for the validation. Let’s go for it!

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Spot on and beautifully written. I've already been "invigorated" from so many of your excellent comments that I've been silently observing for months, so it's an absolute joy to have discovered your new Substack. Really looking forward to more great writing.

"When one really entertains the notion that viruses do not exist, bacteria do not cause disease, and contagion is a myth—when we are no longer in victim mode 24/7—new vistas open up before us that were not visible before. The possibilities around what true health looks and feels like, what we can do and be as empowered humans, and how we can connect once again to our innate creativity are profound and invigorating."

I couldn't have said it any better. So glad you're here, Betsy.

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Thanks so much for the lovely comment! I have been sitting on these thoughts for a long time, but reading a Substacker recently saying that virus existence doesn't matter threw me into "go" mode. And it isn't just that we will have endless plandemics a long as we keep believing in them, which seems so patently obvious! It's also just what you have highlighted--this belief functions as a blinder, keeping us from knowing our bodies truly and seeing the beauty and power of our own being! Thanks for the warm welcome!

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I've been writing about this from the git go when I bumped into the germ theory v terrain theory after seeing a Chinese guy fall over like a board early on in the great lie and then spending way too much time trying to make sense of it all.

My writing tends to focus on the legal system, the object of which is legal fictions, and how it has nothing to do with us, but the same trick has been pulled by "Rockefeller medicine" where a fictitious entity, virus, has been trotted out as the villain in a never ending game of deception.

You're off to a good start. You already have more readers than I ever had. Good for you, someone has to get the ball rolling!

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Thanks! I am committed to this knowledge, coming at it from a more personal perspective. I’m very grateful for those like you, who are doing the deep research and uncovering the truth.

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Truthfully, I am more like you than Mike Stone, Drs. Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka et al. I've read my share of RCTs on the efficacy of masks and studies that claim to prove the existence of viruses and all the other stuff one bumps into along the way. In order to do that you must decode the lingo. I had to force myself to do that otherwise the words would fade into a blur, like taking off your readers mid page. I'm grateful for folks like Stone and the rest who seem to have a super human tolerance for minutia. I've actually known people for whom the prospect of diving into a spreadsheet or data sets was akin to swimming in a pool filled with the nectar of the gods. To me, that sort of thing is like trudging through the stinky black goo one finds under the shallow veneer of glistening water in a swamp. But those people DO exist, much to my astonishment.

I came. I read, I understood and promptly filed med-speak in the same folder as bureaucracy-speak titled "Word salads" that signify nothing but can't be ignored. There isn't enough Ranch dressing in the world to sweeten that bowl of wilting glop. Time to move onto more interesting stuff, like why do people buy into obvious lies? Why is deception so hard to recognize for most folks? Is it wise to hand out our trust like candy on Halloween to those who wear the crown of authority? What is the real history of the germ v terrain theory debate? Who were actors in this deception? What motivated them and why is evil so tempting to so many? What sort of beings are those that for whom the pursuit of money and power is their only motivation? This is the good stuff as far as I'm concerned.

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A worthy endeavour indeed 👐

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Just what I've been waiting for: a Real Investigative Journalist! Hooray for the Fourth Estate model!

Footnotes a great plus!

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Thanks! I’m really not doing investigative journalism here. What I mean to provide is my thinking on these topics. I will be including more links to the work of others, such as those mentioned at the end, when I learn how to do that in Substack. I wanted to get this party started so I published before I’d gotten all the food ready. I do appreciate your vote of approval! And hope you’ll stay tuned.

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With pesticides like DDT (I just watched a documentary about Rachel Carson), so many other poisons, and EMFs, there is no need for an invented "virus" other than the fact that you can't vaccinate for pesticides, poisoned or EMFs. "Vaccines" our money makers and get people in the door. Even in veterinary medicine. No "virus" , no billion dollar cash flow.

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Exactly! And viruses provide great cover for all those pesticides, industrial poisons, EMFs, etc., so the heinous producers of those can also continue to reap their profit and never be seen as the actual causes of so much disease.

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Yes! And I've tried to explain that to my 83-year-old retired registered nurse mother and she refuses to hear anything about how "viruses" don't exist in vaccines will kill you. She keeps getting all the vaccines including the "covid" vax and I'm surprised she still alive. 🙄

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It's very difficult to have loved ones who refuse to see what we see. Health care professionals are probably the most indoctrinated group on the planet. I sometimes wonder what my mom would think about the goings-on in the last four years. She was an RN, but trained in the 1930s and died in 1975--she'd be 107 years old now. She was a bit of a rebel, but the propaganda has been very powerful. I'm sorry about your mom.

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Great stuff

I think you would enjoy my article and associated resources on this topic


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Awesome and much needed! Those who say it matters not that virology is a fraud either have an agenda or their thinking and insight is occluded

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It’s hard to comprehend, isn’t it—how anyone could really not see. Yet they don’t. I really think the indoctrination as to what disease is and what causes it is a reason for the blindness about “viruses.”

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A lifetime of indoctrination. Right up there with the USA is the greatest country in the world because it stands for freedom and democracy. I pledge allegiance to the flag....and then we were taught that there are two disease vectors...bacteria and viruses. Antibiotics for bacteria and vaccines for viruses...backed up with fantastic new discoveries in the field of virology as virologists made up stories and cartoons about how viruses operate. I remember all those detailed stories about HIV, the smartest RETROvirus in the world. Academics ate that stuff up. Anyone is just stupid or a conspiracy theorist questioning THE SCIENCE...and possibly dangerous to the greater good. Indoctrination by the PR marketing machine.

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Great article! It goes really well with my published articles about the non-existence of viruses and what really makes us sick. I will reference your articles in my future publications.

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As a medical student in 1970 I can remember participating in Influenza vaccine trials. They knew back then that the virus mutates so rapidly that the time lag to develop an effective vaccine was problematic. After 50 years of working on it we still don’t have an effective Influenza vaccine. So don’t hold your breath for a Covid vaccine! Pun intended. Yes viruses exist and serve useful purposes not all bad in the greater scheme of things but somehow humanity has done quite well surviving all that they might throw at it for all time. I agree with you that if we focused more on eliminating harmful intake in all forms it would serve us better than trying to control the ways nature uses to get us face to face with our Creator in the end!

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As I see it, belief in viruses is a significant factor in why we don't do more to eliminate harmful intake. Being randomly subject to attacks by microbes means there isn't much we can do, and believing that vaccines protect us from them also means we don't need to do much, and reduces our sense of responsibility for our own condition. Quite a few doctors, researchers, microbiologists and others have read the scientific papers that supposedly document the existence of viruses, and have found there is no evidence to make this claim. Check out Mike Stone's Substack, Viroliegy, or Dr. Sam Bailey's Substack for lots and lots of details. It's my sense that understanding this has tremendous power to open our eyes to many other ways we have been lied to not just about our bodies and our health, but also about what it means to be human in all kinds of ways.

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Well I had a beginning of a recurrance of shingles last week and with a few doses of valacyclovir an antiviral it was gone, so as far as that goes my belief in viruses remains!

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This right here nails it!


Those fashioning the control grid will keep bringing out viruses and contagion as long as doing so generates fear. The issue of health is so personal, so visceral, so directly linked to the most primitive parts of our brain, that it offers the most bang for the buck in subjugating us to the will of those who crave total control. As long as people continue to believe that they could die from what the person next to them is breathing out, we will have more plandemics, we will have more “vaccines,” we will have more social control, and we will have less freedom. Until there’s none left.


Control of healthcare was always essential in controlling the population. It was first in Nazi Germany, and it was first here in the US with Obamacare.

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Excellent. Yes, it matters! It frees you from another layer of fear and I don't understand why so many so called "truthers" don't want to look at it. Great Post!

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I'm so grateful for you and everyone else that understands the importance of this.

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