We can improve the lives of everyone at much less cost than we spend today.

A lot of money is wasted on bullshit cures than cause other issues that have other bullshit cures.... It's like the book Bullshit Jobs where there's jobs to handle the crap from other jobs, both not actually producing anything.

Germ theory loads us up with a lot of mental bullshit too, making it harder to find the real causes of diseases. Without that fairy tale to hide behind, industries will have to answer for their poisoning of people. (Example polio hid the real cause of paralysis, ddt and other toxic pesticides).

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I may not see this world that better understands the human body, but I pray and put in work so that my future kids or grand kids can participate in it.

Thanks Betsy. This was motivating.

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Thank you for the lovely support! I have hope that you will live to see it!

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ive been putting mini flyers called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET for 2 yrs now, putting book Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md directly into as many faces as I can, ..i slip into convid test and mask boxes, diaper boxes, leave in baby isle etc. many hands make lite work! hope you join me. small actions matter!

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This was one of the best articles I've read in a long time.

You covered so many bases with such uplifting energy and much-needed optimism that I felt decidedly better after having read it... which is rare!

You have a real talent for breaking down these topics and explaining how we've been deceived.

You also painted a picture in my mind of how things could be if people simply chose to live life instead of working for the Beast system.

For a moment I envisaged this future and could physically feel the difference it would make if everyone simply made the effort to change their ways. All it would require is for more people to learn the truth and consciously reject the lie that we've all been living.

And I also forced myself to accept that we've also probably been lied to about collapse scenarios because they are also a form of mind control keeping curious people in a perpetual state of fear always waiting for the 'big one' instead of living life to the full.

So thanks again Betsy for your wonderful spell-breaking.

This is most definitely the way forward, one step and one day at a time towards a better world where individuals take back control of their lives by grounding themselves in truth and wisdom as it should have been all along.

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Thanks so much for this comment, Tsubion! I am sure you're right that the doom scenarios we hear about constantly are a way to keep us in fear and fight-or-flight mode, too stressed to have any energy left for imagining a positive future. I'm coming more and more to think that these self-styled overlords need to keep whipping up that fear in us so we keep recreating this dystopian reality where they can feed off our low-frequency emotions. And so we don't get together and start creating that positive future ourselves! We can do it--we humans are gifted with incredible creative power, and what we are collectively doing with it is to keep ourselves within the matrix. And dropping the proven-false paradigm of germ theory opens the door wide for us to see ourselves that way. As you say, the main thing is to fully live, to fully embody ourselves and enjoy being alive! That is what will turn the key.

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For myself, I have pretty much escaped to the world you describe. Modern medicine is designed to make the system profitable, especially big pharma and the roots of it all go back to scaring the heck out of people. Very little of "health care" is aimed at making anyone healthy, healthier, or keeping them healthy. It is aimed in the opposite direction and the doctors just play along with the game raking in huge incomes.

This article crunched it.

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Great article Betsy! I would agree with most of what you said about "public health" although I have seen and been a part of some of it that was more about health promotion including developing relationships with parents to support them in creating strong and healthy attachment with their babies ie learning the cues their babies were giving, reading and interpreting the cues accurately, and responding appropriately in a loving way. I also had the joy of working with parents in offering infant massage/caring touch for their infants. Unfortunately there were/are many aspects of public health that are NOT helpful or healthy ie vaccine promotion and surveillance, offering fluoride treatments, promoting the ridiculous food pyramid and lies about raw milk, during the plandemic scam promoting unhealthy and detrimental mask wearing, etc! And yes "well baby visits" are now mostly about keeping babies/children "on track" with the huge number of destructive vaccines, same as regular vet visits! Thanks for your writing and sharing!

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Thanks, Joan! I thought of you, while I was writing the part about public health, and especially about what you said about working with babies and new parents in those ways as part of your job. Glad you were able to be helpful within that mostly not so helpful context! And I'm glad and relieved you did not take what I say about public health at all personally, as of course, it was not meant that way! My mom was a nurse--not a public health nurse, as when she went through nurses' training in the 1930s I don't think there was such a thing. She was just a regular RN, and she also showed signs of the indoctrination that comes with that kind of education. It's just the way the system works. And you've seen through it, which also gives me hope that others in your field will also. I venture to wonder if my mom would have also seen through it, had she lived a bit longer to the time when more of these questions have been raised. (She was starting to question some things she'd believed all her life in 1975 when she died!)

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Excellent.God bless you.


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Much better world

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This is fantastic, Betsy. Thank you.

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I haven't thought about grocery store receipts being toxic.

We do print out and handle a lot of them in the world.

Thanks for illuminating us.

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Some receipts are--or used to be--coated with something that is toxic, but not all. It may be less of a concern now, or it may just be that the issue is not in the news but still exists. Agreed that "health care" is no such thing in our world.

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I think the chemicals on receipts had a similar effect to BPA in plastic containers. Essentially messing with estrogen receptors.

"BPA exposure has been associated with serious endocrine-disrupting effects in humans and wildlife. Due to its hormone-like properties, BPA can bind to estrogen receptors (ERs), thereby affecting body weight, cardiovascular functions, reproductive abnormalities, and tumorigenesis."


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Virology: The fishbowl is Filthy. Quick, vaccinate the goldfish! You’re the goldfish.

Climatology: The weather is nasty. Quick, eliminate carbon! You’re the carbon.

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Antibiotics kill bacteria and prevent the spread of bacteria. In doing so antibiotics help cure illnesses and save lives. I'm not sure how this affects "germ theory", whatever that is.

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I 100% agree with you I think it’s a pivotal issue and a whole house of cards collapses when the lie is exposed. So many in ‘truther’ world say it’s not important - I believe it’s crucial, so much of our brainwashing is dependent on that lie and as you say, control, disempowerment of us is control for the predator class.

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A wonderful piece, thank you for writing it and sharing it.

What I find fascinating is the depth and strength with which many people cling to their belief in germs/viruses.

Shouldn't it be wonderful, welcome, liberating news that, hey, maybe this ISN'T a world where ! GERMS ! are lurking everywhere, waiting to ambush? So some part of them apparently needs to have a "tiger in the jungle" stalking them.

Or they have so much invested in the germ model, it's hard to give up. I see that among the "health" "care" workers I know. They invest four or more years in credentialling...they take exams and courses to sustain those credentials...their jobs bring good wages/benefits...and it all rests on germ theory.

That seems to be coupled with an aversion to being told "the kingdom of health is within you." Thus wanting experts or priests to instruct them in salvation.

There is a lot of covering up of the amount/number of health problems directly caused by industrial chemicals, etc. I doubt it's accidental that Germ Theory was pushed side-by-side with ignoring/covering up toxic effects of industrialization. Most people have no idea. If you point out that petrochemical fumes make you sick, they say, "Oh, you're SENSITIVE." I know a gal with terrible RA, diabetes, and more, who will not give up putting those super smelly "fragrance" waxy pellets in every dryer load, on top of using heavily scented detergents. I gently approached the topic with her husband, who replied that, oh yeah, they know a guy who's SENSITIVE, fortunately they aren't. These are wonderful, nice, intellligent people whom I love. But it's a wall in their perception (possibly caused by the chemicals and vaxxes...). For them, life means spending most of the week going to doctor's appointments and adjusting treatments for various ailments. In their world, "covid" is lurking on every surface, waiting to strike like a cobra.

That points to how interaction with the allopathic "health" "care" system wears people down, but also provides some with the quasi-religious experience they lack. (I know many religious people who also feed on the experience. They seamlessly blend religious and allopathic medical faith.)

I addition I have to wonder how...beaten...many people have gotten, under the influence of MSM (etc.) influences telling them for so long that the world is dangerous, dirty, etc. They become captive to their abusers in part because they have never experienced any other way of living. And many are truly, sadly, heart-breakingly ill from various effects.

How many of us have ever experienced truly vital, real HEALTH? I was in my late 20s before I did.

Finally, for some to understand what allopathic "health" "care" is about is just...too much. The profit motives, the cynicism, how Pharma PR works (using fear/guilt to motivate consumption of products and processes), the incentive programs to turn doctors into pushers, the utter bogosity of much medical research....

So I especially appreciate the diligence of you laying out a better view of life and health. Where the focus is on restoring vitality rather than managing symptoms. I am so hoping that, soon, we can start imagining a health care sector that focuses on HEALTH and CARE rather than high priests playing Savior.

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Hi Betsy, this is great, thank you! I’ve just discovered you through this post! Can you point me in the direction of any sources or studies that disprove germ theory? You may have posted this previously, so just let me know. I like to have these things in my back pocket when having conversations with friends and family who think I’m crazy!

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I hope Betsy doesn't mind me butting in, a good way to disprove "germ theory" (actually an hypothesis) is to reference studies in the transmission of "disease", here's some stuff from my notes;

A list of failed contagion studies compiled by Jacob Diaz.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QGL17yRfZf38oV9Ynm8_dmZvuHxTFoNt?usp=sharing (Some contagion studies in there)

https://greatreject.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2_5364066440741653295.pdf (The Myth of Contagion pdf 246 pages).

Two articles on Rockefeller;


http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php (principles of modern allopathic medicine & it's associated iatrogenesis)


Why Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory Is A Curse by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. http://whale.to/w/appleton1.html

Virus Mania(2007) https://gamzuletova.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/VirusMania.pdf

0r as I say it in short: "coffs n' sneezies, do not spread diseases!"

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Ok this awesome, thank you!

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Andy Fox is correct that contagion is so integral to the germ theory that you can debunk germ theory by knowing that all of the numerous efforts to prove that sick people make well people sick by breathing on them or shaking hands have failed dismally. The most notable were a number of experiments done during the "Spanish flu" in 1918, where hundreds of people were exposed to seriously ill patients in the hospital, and not a single one got sick. (the Rosenau experiments). There is also a book recently published, by Daniel Roytas, Can You Catch a Cold? that goes into great depth about why contagion is a false paradigm for understanding why people get sick. He was interviewed by Sam Bailey (see below) and also by Dr. Tom Cowan, not on Substack. You can find that one here: https://drtomcowan.com/blogs/podcasts/77-daniel-roytas

Additional recommended reading/watching would be anything by Mike Stone on his Substack, ViroLIEgy, https://mikestone.substack.com/, and any videos by Dr. Sam Bailey, also on Substack https://drsambailey.substack.com/. Mike has several posts on Pasteur and the fraudulent underpinnings of the germ theory: https://mikestone.substack.com/p/the-germ-hypothesis-part-1 and https://mikestone.substack.com/p/the-germ-hypothesis-part-2. Copper Vortex also has several articles on Pasteur: https://coppervortex.substack.com/p/louis-pasteur-the-fraudster-part and https://coppervortex.substack.com/p/louis-pasteur-the-fraudster-part-51b.

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I appreciate this so much Betsy, this freaking awesome! Thank you so much!

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www.VirusTruth.NET. many free books pdf.

also easy mini flyers to print put on cars, tape to gas pump screens..I hand to masked souls, slip into baby sleep ware called Onsies at stores...i put out at least 100 per week in my daily routine , travel, errands

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