Hi Betsy, from Andy, in a small part of England known as "The Black Country".


I also refer to "germ theory" as "the disproven germ hypothesis".

That article was deep, good, but deep.

Starting with the question; "why do we get sick?" My current thinking is that (barring natural disasters) all diseases are simply diseases of civilization. I'm using the word "civilization" to describe "organized densely populated settlements, with people subjugating nature".

If I add; "& other people" onto that description we seem to be on a similar page regarding society, however I'm not that optimistic regarding "waking other people up" as it seems they do love their servitude. It was Gothe who wrote "The greatest enemy of freedom is a happy slave".

Here's a precis of a discussion Jeff Strahl had somewhere on substack, it articulates what I see around me;

"Lots of people are idiotized by living in modern society, unable to pursue a coherent thought for more than a few seconds or retain information for more than five minutes, but worse are those who just don't want to hear anything which disturbs them and challenges what they know (the mythology that was embedded deep within during their formative years), or challenges those upon whom they depend for; "the truth".

These people habitually choose not to think critically, but instead choose to believe whatever they're told to believe.

In their world saying the, "right thing" matters more than intellectual honesty."

Those who choose to live outside the control grid will manage to, but they will have to learn from history that they risk violence from the state as the 17th century "Diggers" & 20th century "Crusties" found to their cost.

As you correctly state Betsy; "Question everything". And to paraphrase Tom Cowan; "Question what you know & HOW you know it. Think for yourself & think clearly. It's better to know something, rather than to simply believe it".

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I know a lot of smart people have pessimistic views about people and their potential to think critically, but I feel there is only despair in that direction so I choose to believe that change can happen very quickly even for people who seem lost in blindness and servitude. Quite possibly there are some, even many, who will continue to choose that way of being. But humans are so much more than that, and I think we are in a moment when there's greater potential than there's ever been for the veil to lift and for even the dullest to start seeing what they are. There are tremendous amounts of photonic energy coming in to us from the sun and from the photon belt Earth is passing through that is affecting all of us whether we feel it or not. Earth is going through a transition herself. This may all sound too esoteric, and I would have said that myself just a couple of years ago, but I think we are on the brink of massive change on this planet. That, anyway, is where I am putting my psychic, emotional, and spiritual energy. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I will have spent my energy supporting the change I want to see people make, not doubting it would ever happen--which, as I mentioned, has no percentage.

WRT Tom, I totally love that he is broadening his investigation from what we know to how we know. This is pure philosophy, or maybe I should say practical philosophy, since the field of philosophy has moved away from reality, in my opinion. But epistemology, how we know what we know, how knowledge is created, is hugely fascinating and relates in every way to the shifts I see happening on our planet right now. Thanks for your comment! And for the link to where you live. I hope you are able to get out into nature sometimes!

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I'm in my sixties now & work part time at a sports center, the other employees are mostly in their twenties & thirties, some have been to university one has a degree in sports science, during "covid" I empowered one woman there to reject masks, & boosters.

Recently the phrase "Foxy doesn't believe in covid" popped up in conversation, I pointed out belief is for religion & I had in fact read medical papers, studies in contagion & some of virology's foundational papers, one chap expressed an interest, so I printed off an article I had compiled........I don't think he's read it yet. Friends & family all rejected evidence presented to them that the covid shots couldn't possibly work & were in fact harming.

I fly the "no virus" flag in the forum of the U.K. Column & have compiled a lengthy post on why it isn't a "psyop" which will be posted there when I've dotted the T's & crossed the I's. https://www.ukcolumn.org/

I read/listen to most people in the "no virus/terrrain camp" mainly for inspiration as to how broach the subject with "normies". The point is, I did & do try....

I live on the outskirts & only have to walk a few hundred yards to the woods. There's a surprising amount of nature to be found within the urban area, we're proud of the fact (true or not) that Birmingham & The Black Country has more miles of waterway than Venice, even at work there is a foxes den, a feral cat who is the sleekest bright eyed specimen I've ever encountered & some crows who follow me when I'm outdoors in the morning before customers arrive, there was also a colony of bees who would chase me away when I was mowing the grass...LOL!

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