Here is a quote from Samuel Hahnemann, the great elder of Homeopathic Medicine, in his book, The Organon of Medicine, written in the 18th century
"The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, that is, to cure.
1 His mission is not, however, to construct so-called systems, by interweaving empty speculations and hypotheses concerning the internal essential nature of the vital processes and the mode in which diseases originate in the interior of the organism, (whereon so many physicians have hitherto ambitiously wasted their talents and their time); nor is it to attempt to give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in diseases and their proximate cause (which must ever remain concealed), wrapped in unintelligible words and an inflated abstract mode of expression, which should sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant – whilst sick humanity sighs in vain for aid. Of such learned reveries (to which the name of theoretic medicine is given, and for which special professorships are instituted) we have had quite enough, and it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure."
The belief that acute diseases are spread by contagion is part of a wider fallacy that weaselled its way into the European mindset long ago. In the age before a holocaust was unleashed upon forest wisdom, there were still wise healers who understood that we are part of nature, and our health or well-being depends upon maintaining that balance.
Thank you, Betsy, for sharing your research. The realisation that much of contemporary medicine is based on such shaky ground will open the way for a new paradigm, one that integrates ancestral wisdom with innovation.
Thanks for this. I don't think most people know that in the 19th century, there were homeopathic medical schools in the US, destroyed by Rockefeller medicine and the Flexner Report. It's also not well known that herbalists in past centuries were more highly regarded by many than medical doctors, who often used poisonous treatments like mercury that actually killed people (things haven't changed that much with allopathic treatments!). I share your sense that we are witnessing the beginning of a rejection of this false and destructive approach to medicine and healing, and the resurgence of that "forest wisdom" that our ancestors relied on for helping the body find and keep balance.
Thanks Betsy. There is clearly a resurgence. In the current practice of medicine, medical students are not trained to perceive what needs to be cured in a patient. This would require learning how to take a full history, and carefully search for the patterns and themes, over time, both in the physical and the psychical realm of expression. Instead, our contemporary western medicine is content with suppressing symptoms, under the false belief that the symptoms are the problem. This model has its root in a form of authoritarian materialism, that denies or diminishes natural wisdom, especially within our own selves. To the extent that to even discuss this in a medical context often incurs ridicule, or is considered heretical. At the root, it seems to me that it is a dogmatic refusal to acknowledge anything other than the material body. Even our emotions, dreams, sense of inner purpose, are translated by reductionism into neutrons firing in the brain. From this perspective, the spiritual dimension of existence is perceived as self-delusion. This myopia can be found in most spheres of activity, and allows for the rise of technocracy, and the cult of scientism. But I agree, change is coming!
Yes, this goes very deep into ancestral trauma. Witches were actually healers, herbalists, midwives etc, demonised, hunted down and murdered. There was a lot of research into this by feminist writers in the 1970s and 80s.
100%. I don't think it's hyperbole to compare the way that herbalists and other more nature-based healers had their work wiped out and wiped from societal memory in the past couple of centuries, to the burning times. It's the same thing and for the same reasons, just less violent. I am so glad to be in a time when there's huge energy to recover that knowledge and revive those practices.
I hope people will share this Substack with others. The issue of contagion is almost as sticky as "germ theory" in how deep the indoctrination is. I aim to talk about it non-scientifically, but rather more personally and accessibly for people who might be able to hear the information that way. Thanks for the positive words!
Thanks for diving into this! Whenever I teach people about New Germanic Medicine and Universal Biology, this is one of the most asked questions. And there are actually thousands of examples where one person is ill and nobody else gets ill, but as humans we tend to focus on those examples that seem to align with the common (but disproven) narratives and beliefs. One thing I need to mention: the connection between scurvy and "Vitamin C" is false. It is also just another narrative to get people to buy and ingest copious amounts of a chemical substance referred to as "Vitamin C". Scurvy had a lot more to do with the hygienic conditions and the scarcity of healthy food and water onboard the ships that the sailors were on for weeks at a time. A lime is certainly a healthy food compared to other food that was not properly stored on those voyages, in addition to the mental state and the state of the "terrain" of the sailors. This is just in addition to my comment on your last article regarding the vitamin fraud :)
Yes, someone else pointed that out too, and sent a link to a paper exploring what really caused scurvy in the 19th century sailors. And the whole vitamin thing is just starting to bubble up. I am very interested in learning more about that. So much more we need to know about how our bodies really work.
"But if there’s not something contagious passing between people that explains how a whole family gets sick with the same symptoms at the same time, then what does cause this phenomenon? "
What's interesting is that the most common scenario is for some of the family (or workplace) to get sick while some remain perfectly well. If people getting sick together proves contagion, then those people who do not get sick (despite their proximity to sick people) must count as EQUAL evidence AGAINST the theory of contagion. What we should be left with is a stalemate at best.
We are all guilty of confirmation bias on this one. We never count those times when we do NOT 'catch' a cold from a sick friend or co worker as evidence against contagion theory. We even subconsciously explain it away by integrating terrain theory into germ theory..... "Oh well I must have been in a state of robust health at the time and therefore immune from coming down with it".
This concession to the terrain model is similar to how we have come to accept that there are 'good' bacteria and that actually we need those good bacteria to be healthy (and to stay alive).
These concessions to the terrain model mirror the 'health freedom movement' and their admission that 'covid' was really nothing and there was no pandemic ..... but in the next breath they claim there was still a new, 'deadly virus' (probably GoF) unleashed in 2020.
FWIW I've tried to express the farcical nature of this 'doublethink' in a film (link below). I believe everyone is speaking the truth (even Klaus Schwab) if we pay close enough attention to what they are saying. As the great Del Bigtree says when attempting to justify his doublethink show, "I have to speak the truth of the world that people believe in". That sentence perfectly explains how contagion theory has endured for so long :)
I am still struggling with the idea of Measle, and chicken pox parties. I am beginning to believe that our immune systems are so powerful that the more things we are exposed to the less chance of serious outcomes. Kind of 'what don't kill you makes you stronger'! I am certain that the micro environment of toxic chemicals in nearly every store bought concoction and faux food is causing great harm. Rockefellers AMA is a dangerous cartel concerned with profits not preventions.
Also, he has gone into a deep dive of how/why 'Vitamin A' is a bunch of nonsense too. He has allegedly not had ANY 'Vitamin A' in something like 7 years, and he remedied many of his main ailments by doing so.
This leads me to believe all of the 'Vitamins' are a bunch of nonsense.
Pair this up with what Agent131711 has been researching regarding 'synthetic vitamins' and it paints a picture of the vitamin story being nothing but a scam. You can see Agent's research here:
I've been reading Agent 131711's articles about vitamins and supplements. It's very enlightening. (He also has a great recent series debunking dinosaurs.)
Great to see more of this getting published. A new book written by Daniel Roytas (I have just started reading) asks Can you catch a cold? The answer so far from all available studies following the scientific method (the real one) is if course NO.
Terrain Therapy. The Final pandemic. What really makes you ill. All 4 all add nails in the germ hypothesis coffin, long overdue.
I just ordered Roytas’ book. He said in his interview with Sam Bailey that before Pasteur most doctors saw toxins as the main causes of illness—and they were starting to proliferate as the industrial revolution got going. Then germ theorists just shifted from toxins to germs—and that narrative has been firmly entrenched for 150 years.
Thanks for all that research. I am not a Christian, but I have learned from many of the people you quote. Dr. Jordan Grant was one of the first medical professionals I learned from. Thanks again.
If there was contagion and viruses, then some wild virus would have killed off mankind over the last 5,000 years. The expert virologist clowns tell us that there are thousands or millions of viruses floating around. That many would attack the body and render it dead. There would be no escape.
There wasn't any vaccines until about 200 years ago, but they have never been proven to be of any use despite what the medical community wants us to believe. There is very, very little that is on the up and up about how the medical mafia conducts business. Consider that a truly healthy swath of humanity would put the medical mafia out of business except for emergency needs.
100%. It just slays me when they say there are "80 million" or some random high number of viruses "yet to be discovered." What dark place in the lower half of their body do they pull these numbers out of? Once you start looking at it, the whole story falls apart.
Thank you for writing this—so important for people to know the contagion problem. Regarding scurvy, some argue it to be the result of poisoning, not malnutrition. You may find Grant Genereux’s work on this of some interest—
Thanks for that link! I've recently been learning that vitamins, including vitamin C, may not be what we've been told, so it's another layer of the falsity that is starting to be uncovered.
I'm looking into this and I'm not sold on either theory. You completely side stepped the contagion among family members issue. Just this week my two younger sons went on an outing with members of a school group. The oldest of the two got sick the night he came home and he said a bunch of the kids said they were sick. The next day the younger son got the exact same thing. The day after that my wife got it and got very sick. I got it the next day and felt truly awful. I'm just now getting over it. We had the exact same symptoms. My daughter, who also took her kids on the outing, watched as one by one the members of her family got sick with the same symptoms. They closed the school next week because so many people, around 60 among both parents and children, were ill. Lots of different environments, different diets, even different family dynamics, yet all have the exact same illness. It seems like something was "caught" and brought home. I don't fully believe in viruses for the reasons you mention, but I haven't seen terrain theory explain this either. If virus theory is going to be done away with, we have to come up with a theory that explains this rather than just waving it away.
Well, the Roytas book does have SOME examples of colds being passed person-to-person, in the appendices. He objects that a specific causative agent wasn't found.
I'm still split on this. When I read the Baileys, they make sense. Then I read a rebuttal by A Midwestern Doctor, or Steve Kirsch, and THEY make sense.
The one interesting personal observation I have:. IF there are all these contagious particles in the air, why have I gotten sick exactly TWICE in the last 5 years? Surely "Terrain" enters into it.
I completely agree to the view that contagion, germs and viruses are myth'.
The statement that a lack of "vitamins" could be (or is) a cause of illness, is a bit disappointing. What are "vitamins", how are they manufactured, aren't these just a myth, a big industry product?
Very easy to deconstruct - like pseudoscience "virology" is...
Here is a quote from Samuel Hahnemann, the great elder of Homeopathic Medicine, in his book, The Organon of Medicine, written in the 18th century
"The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, that is, to cure.
1 His mission is not, however, to construct so-called systems, by interweaving empty speculations and hypotheses concerning the internal essential nature of the vital processes and the mode in which diseases originate in the interior of the organism, (whereon so many physicians have hitherto ambitiously wasted their talents and their time); nor is it to attempt to give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in diseases and their proximate cause (which must ever remain concealed), wrapped in unintelligible words and an inflated abstract mode of expression, which should sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant – whilst sick humanity sighs in vain for aid. Of such learned reveries (to which the name of theoretic medicine is given, and for which special professorships are instituted) we have had quite enough, and it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure."
The belief that acute diseases are spread by contagion is part of a wider fallacy that weaselled its way into the European mindset long ago. In the age before a holocaust was unleashed upon forest wisdom, there were still wise healers who understood that we are part of nature, and our health or well-being depends upon maintaining that balance.
Thank you, Betsy, for sharing your research. The realisation that much of contemporary medicine is based on such shaky ground will open the way for a new paradigm, one that integrates ancestral wisdom with innovation.
Thanks for this. I don't think most people know that in the 19th century, there were homeopathic medical schools in the US, destroyed by Rockefeller medicine and the Flexner Report. It's also not well known that herbalists in past centuries were more highly regarded by many than medical doctors, who often used poisonous treatments like mercury that actually killed people (things haven't changed that much with allopathic treatments!). I share your sense that we are witnessing the beginning of a rejection of this false and destructive approach to medicine and healing, and the resurgence of that "forest wisdom" that our ancestors relied on for helping the body find and keep balance.
Thanks Betsy. There is clearly a resurgence. In the current practice of medicine, medical students are not trained to perceive what needs to be cured in a patient. This would require learning how to take a full history, and carefully search for the patterns and themes, over time, both in the physical and the psychical realm of expression. Instead, our contemporary western medicine is content with suppressing symptoms, under the false belief that the symptoms are the problem. This model has its root in a form of authoritarian materialism, that denies or diminishes natural wisdom, especially within our own selves. To the extent that to even discuss this in a medical context often incurs ridicule, or is considered heretical. At the root, it seems to me that it is a dogmatic refusal to acknowledge anything other than the material body. Even our emotions, dreams, sense of inner purpose, are translated by reductionism into neutrons firing in the brain. From this perspective, the spiritual dimension of existence is perceived as self-delusion. This myopia can be found in most spheres of activity, and allows for the rise of technocracy, and the cult of scientism. But I agree, change is coming!
Yes, this goes very deep into ancestral trauma. Witches were actually healers, herbalists, midwives etc, demonised, hunted down and murdered. There was a lot of research into this by feminist writers in the 1970s and 80s.
100%. I don't think it's hyperbole to compare the way that herbalists and other more nature-based healers had their work wiped out and wiped from societal memory in the past couple of centuries, to the burning times. It's the same thing and for the same reasons, just less violent. I am so glad to be in a time when there's huge energy to recover that knowledge and revive those practices.
It is truths like this that the people need in order to get beyond the immense propaganda that has been built around health and life.
I hope people will share this Substack with others. The issue of contagion is almost as sticky as "germ theory" in how deep the indoctrination is. I aim to talk about it non-scientifically, but rather more personally and accessibly for people who might be able to hear the information that way. Thanks for the positive words!
Thanks for diving into this! Whenever I teach people about New Germanic Medicine and Universal Biology, this is one of the most asked questions. And there are actually thousands of examples where one person is ill and nobody else gets ill, but as humans we tend to focus on those examples that seem to align with the common (but disproven) narratives and beliefs. One thing I need to mention: the connection between scurvy and "Vitamin C" is false. It is also just another narrative to get people to buy and ingest copious amounts of a chemical substance referred to as "Vitamin C". Scurvy had a lot more to do with the hygienic conditions and the scarcity of healthy food and water onboard the ships that the sailors were on for weeks at a time. A lime is certainly a healthy food compared to other food that was not properly stored on those voyages, in addition to the mental state and the state of the "terrain" of the sailors. This is just in addition to my comment on your last article regarding the vitamin fraud :)
Yes, someone else pointed that out too, and sent a link to a paper exploring what really caused scurvy in the 19th century sailors. And the whole vitamin thing is just starting to bubble up. I am very interested in learning more about that. So much more we need to know about how our bodies really work.
"But if there’s not something contagious passing between people that explains how a whole family gets sick with the same symptoms at the same time, then what does cause this phenomenon? "
What's interesting is that the most common scenario is for some of the family (or workplace) to get sick while some remain perfectly well. If people getting sick together proves contagion, then those people who do not get sick (despite their proximity to sick people) must count as EQUAL evidence AGAINST the theory of contagion. What we should be left with is a stalemate at best.
We are all guilty of confirmation bias on this one. We never count those times when we do NOT 'catch' a cold from a sick friend or co worker as evidence against contagion theory. We even subconsciously explain it away by integrating terrain theory into germ theory..... "Oh well I must have been in a state of robust health at the time and therefore immune from coming down with it".
This concession to the terrain model is similar to how we have come to accept that there are 'good' bacteria and that actually we need those good bacteria to be healthy (and to stay alive).
These concessions to the terrain model mirror the 'health freedom movement' and their admission that 'covid' was really nothing and there was no pandemic ..... but in the next breath they claim there was still a new, 'deadly virus' (probably GoF) unleashed in 2020.
FWIW I've tried to express the farcical nature of this 'doublethink' in a film (link below). I believe everyone is speaking the truth (even Klaus Schwab) if we pay close enough attention to what they are saying. As the great Del Bigtree says when attempting to justify his doublethink show, "I have to speak the truth of the world that people believe in". That sentence perfectly explains how contagion theory has endured for so long :)
I am still struggling with the idea of Measle, and chicken pox parties. I am beginning to believe that our immune systems are so powerful that the more things we are exposed to the less chance of serious outcomes. Kind of 'what don't kill you makes you stronger'! I am certain that the micro environment of toxic chemicals in nearly every store bought concoction and faux food is causing great harm. Rockefellers AMA is a dangerous cartel concerned with profits not preventions.
Great piece!
I would just suggest that we get our story right regarding the 'Vitamin C' story. I think it's probably nonsense, just like 'Vitamin A'.
Genereux did great work to debunk the myth that 'Vitamin C' 'cured' scurvy
You can find his excellent research on this topic here:
Also, he has gone into a deep dive of how/why 'Vitamin A' is a bunch of nonsense too. He has allegedly not had ANY 'Vitamin A' in something like 7 years, and he remedied many of his main ailments by doing so.
This leads me to believe all of the 'Vitamins' are a bunch of nonsense.
Pair this up with what Agent131711 has been researching regarding 'synthetic vitamins' and it paints a picture of the vitamin story being nothing but a scam. You can see Agent's research here:
I've been reading Agent 131711's articles about vitamins and supplements. It's very enlightening. (He also has a great recent series debunking dinosaurs.)
great article, Betsy!
Thanks, Alec! You’ve been a major inspiration for me to start writing about this.
Great to see more of this getting published. A new book written by Daniel Roytas (I have just started reading) asks Can you catch a cold? The answer so far from all available studies following the scientific method (the real one) is if course NO.
Terrain Therapy. The Final pandemic. What really makes you ill. All 4 all add nails in the germ hypothesis coffin, long overdue.
I just ordered Roytas’ book. He said in his interview with Sam Bailey that before Pasteur most doctors saw toxins as the main causes of illness—and they were starting to proliferate as the industrial revolution got going. Then germ theorists just shifted from toxins to germs—and that narrative has been firmly entrenched for 150 years.
Have you looked into what our Creator says about viruses and contagion? I have looked into scriptures if you want to read.
Thanks for all that research. I am not a Christian, but I have learned from many of the people you quote. Dr. Jordan Grant was one of the first medical professionals I learned from. Thanks again.
Love ❤️ 💕 💗 your articles, Betsy.
Thanks so much! The encouragement is very meaningful.
Bless you for doing this work!
Thank you!
If there was contagion and viruses, then some wild virus would have killed off mankind over the last 5,000 years. The expert virologist clowns tell us that there are thousands or millions of viruses floating around. That many would attack the body and render it dead. There would be no escape.
There wasn't any vaccines until about 200 years ago, but they have never been proven to be of any use despite what the medical community wants us to believe. There is very, very little that is on the up and up about how the medical mafia conducts business. Consider that a truly healthy swath of humanity would put the medical mafia out of business except for emergency needs.
100%. It just slays me when they say there are "80 million" or some random high number of viruses "yet to be discovered." What dark place in the lower half of their body do they pull these numbers out of? Once you start looking at it, the whole story falls apart.
Thank you for writing this—so important for people to know the contagion problem. Regarding scurvy, some argue it to be the result of poisoning, not malnutrition. You may find Grant Genereux’s work on this of some interest—
Thanks for that link! I've recently been learning that vitamins, including vitamin C, may not be what we've been told, so it's another layer of the falsity that is starting to be uncovered.
Yes, heard something recently about Vitamin D - looking forward to learning more.
Betsey have you come across this guy? This one is about vitamin D.
Also (unrelated but not unrelated!) he takes down the whole Dinosaurs story.
I'm looking into this and I'm not sold on either theory. You completely side stepped the contagion among family members issue. Just this week my two younger sons went on an outing with members of a school group. The oldest of the two got sick the night he came home and he said a bunch of the kids said they were sick. The next day the younger son got the exact same thing. The day after that my wife got it and got very sick. I got it the next day and felt truly awful. I'm just now getting over it. We had the exact same symptoms. My daughter, who also took her kids on the outing, watched as one by one the members of her family got sick with the same symptoms. They closed the school next week because so many people, around 60 among both parents and children, were ill. Lots of different environments, different diets, even different family dynamics, yet all have the exact same illness. It seems like something was "caught" and brought home. I don't fully believe in viruses for the reasons you mention, but I haven't seen terrain theory explain this either. If virus theory is going to be done away with, we have to come up with a theory that explains this rather than just waving it away.
Well, the Roytas book does have SOME examples of colds being passed person-to-person, in the appendices. He objects that a specific causative agent wasn't found.
I'm still split on this. When I read the Baileys, they make sense. Then I read a rebuttal by A Midwestern Doctor, or Steve Kirsch, and THEY make sense.
The one interesting personal observation I have:. IF there are all these contagious particles in the air, why have I gotten sick exactly TWICE in the last 5 years? Surely "Terrain" enters into it.
I completely agree to the view that contagion, germs and viruses are myth'.
The statement that a lack of "vitamins" could be (or is) a cause of illness, is a bit disappointing. What are "vitamins", how are they manufactured, aren't these just a myth, a big industry product?
Very easy to deconstruct - like pseudoscience "virology" is...
Well why does everyone elected to parliament start talking shit?